Israel, Mishegas, Politics, Religion

No, This Isn't From The Onion

[Ed. — Looks like someone at the White House press corps decided to go for the jugular the other day.]

Q: Scott, on the Middle East, many evangelical Christians are supporting right-wing Jews in Israel who want to rebuild the temple on Temple Mount in Jerusalem. They believe this is a prerequisite for Christ’s return to Earth. They believe when Christ returns to Earth — they call this “the Rapture” — he will take back with Him the true believers, and the rest, the non–believers, Jews and Muslims, will be left behind to face a violent death here on Earth. My question is, as a born-again Christian, does the President support efforts to rebuild a temple on the Temple Mount?
MR. McCLELLAN: Russ, we can sit here and talk about religious issues, but I’m not — I will be glad to take your question and if there’s more, I will get back to you on it.
Q: Is he a born-again Christian?
MR. McCLELLAN: Thank you.
END 1:36 P.M. EST

Full transcript.

21 thoughts on “No, This Isn't From The Onion

  1. dont the two of you ever get tired viewing the world through your anti israeli anti jewish anti american perspective. get up and smell the roses: americans are doing fine, unemployment rates at historical averages; afghanistan has held its first free elections ever, its women and men have been freed from extremest muslimhood; iraq is about to hold elections, women in iraq are no longer tossed into rape rooms; arafat is finally dead, giving peace in the mideast a chance; the sun came out this morning; and all this under a bush presidency. stop worrying about bush’s xtianity (which has led to the most pro israeli us foreign policy ever); worry about jews not marrying jews and having jewish children, the rot lies not in the stars, but in ourselves.

  2. So McClellan doesn’t know the answer to an off-the-wall question about a small number of people proposing to rebuild the Temple. Why is this shocking?

  3. “Why is this shocking?”
    Because John Brown believes this is one more sign that Armageddon is right around the corner…and Israel/USA are the one’s promoting it. Read all about it on

  4. Indymedia? That’s a source just a touch less credible than the Weekly World News. The posts there remind me of the woman who used to go around downtown Pittsburgh telling people that war was coming and that they had to get right with G-d through his mother.

  5. shtreimel wrote: “Because John Brown believes this is one more sign that Armageddon is right around the corner”
    Um, no. Actually I think anyone who believes that is certifiably nuts – and possibly dangerous. And that is why the whole question is disturbing in the first place. For instance, in 2000, three American Christians were deported from Israel for trying to blow up the mosques on the Temple Mount.

  6. JB,
    you’re right. The people who actually conspire to destroy the mosques are dangerous, but it will happen anyway, it’s our destiny.
    Let’s say tonight,
    someone manages to rig the mosques (2 upper and 1 underground) to blow. You know, carry a few tons of demolition explosives on his/her back, drill holes into the supporting columns, and placing TNT in these right places, in these three buildings, while no one notices. It should take, what, a few hours. Or if you have help from a few good friends with excellant para-military skills, teamwork, and training (the kind that is really hard to hide) then according to Hollywood, it can be done is a few minutes including the ninja-like escape and cleaning of your tracks. Now, Kaboom, and then what?
    Will the current Israeli government suddenly decide to pull a 180 and not miss this historic oppurtunity to rebuild the third temple?
    Will the settlers already be lining up with construction materials to start construction?
    Will the top religious leaders finally agree to allow Jews on the temple mount and that now’s the time to rebuild?
    Will ‘we’ know what to do?
    The day before the 6day war, no one actually believed that we’d return to Bethlehem, Shechem, Hebron, or the temple mount to the point where no ‘settlements’ were allowed since we were giving everything ‘back’ anyday now.
    JohnBrown, instead of living in denial, you’d do yourself a service to prepare yourself for the day after.

  7. ::(which has led to the most pro israeli us foreign policy ever::
    Cough, cough, hach, hack, cough, cough…
    Sorry, couldn’t quite swallow that.

  8. Agreed… I don’t think that having a president who thinks we killed his god and is only supporting Israel so we’ll all move there and build the third Temple so that his god will come back and kill 2/3 of us so that the remaining 1/3 will covert to apostasty can be construed as “pro-Israel” policy. Thanks but no thanks–thats not the kind of help we need. We might as well ask Mel Gibson to donate the procedes from the passion to Birthright Israel and the Jewish National Fund. If there’s one thing we should have learned over the a past 70 years, it’s that being rounded up and concentrated is not good for the survival of the Jews–especially when it’s encouraged, supported, and financed by gentiles (and as a by-product, takes us out of their hair). Don’t get me wrong–I’m not trying to “hate on” the goyim, but owing to fanatical Christian idealogues’ agenda of total and complete Christianization of the world, we should be wary of their motives. Remember, they want to outlaw gay marriage, and Christianize the constitution. Who’s next? Us…? Remember the myth of Deicide is very much alive. Left wing governments may not like some of the things the more religious among us do and believe, but at least they keep us safe.

  9. Josh,
    The day after some evil bastard blows up the mosques on Har HaBayit is the day I step out of the political arena completely, and hide to avoid the six-hundred-year religious war with 1 billion Muslims that will be sure to follow. If you think that’s how the Third Temple will come, you have an even more sick view of redemption than the rest of the settlers who believe more in humanity than in God.
    Such a temple would be a temple of violence and idolatry and I would convert to Christianity sooner than set foot inside the thing.

  10. Okay that was a little harsh. Not the temple of idolatry part, but referring to Josh’s view as sick.
    I do wonder, though, what would be the purpose of rebuilding the temple if it would not be accompanied by redemption and the coming of Moshiach. And I don’t think we should assent to rebuilding the temple by any means. Zion will be redeemed with justice, not “by any means.” If it is not with justice that the temple is rebuilt, the land will chew us up and spit us out again, just like it did before.

  11. shylock: glad you can channel bush’s mind and reveal his innermost thoughts. mind telling me what bill gates is really thinking, id like to invest in his next great idea.

  12. Shylock:
    “Agreed… I don’t think that having a president who thinks we killed his god …”
    Could be the president views us as the people who PROVIDED his god.
    “… and is only supporting Israel so we’ll all move there and build the third Temple so that his god will come back and kill 2/3 of us so that the remaining 1/3 will covert to apostasty can be construed as “pro-Israel” policy.”
    There are many different beliefs on these matters held by right-wing American Christians. How do you know this is the view held by W.?
    “If there’s one thing we should have learned over the a past 70 years, it’s that being rounded up and concentrated is not good for the survival of the Jews–especially when it’s encouraged, supported, and financed by gentiles (and as a by-product, takes us out of their hair). ”
    How exactly is W. rounding us up? Or if you’re referring to Israel, you might want to take issue with all of the people who think Jews belong in Israel, such as Zionists of all stripes and most of our great Rabbis.
    “Remember, they want to outlaw gay marriage, and Christianize the constitution.”
    Yes, we’ve always allowed gay marriage, and so have all the other countries, and now they want to outlaw it! Outrageous! And how are they Christianizing the Constitution?
    “Remember the myth of Deicide is very much alive.”
    Especially in Europe, where they don’t even believe in god anymore, and the Middle East, where they hate us for killing the other guys’ god (!).
    “Left wing governments may not like some of the things the more religious among us do and believe, but at least they keep us safe.”
    Oh yeah. Just ask Natan Sharansky about that. His old government kept him real safe. Or ask any French Jew how safe they feel.
    Shylock! Hath you not eyes…?
    (Sorry, had to do it…)

  13. J: “Or ask any French Jew how safe they feel. ”
    Since when is France a left wing government? I’m sure it would be big news to Chirac and the ruling conservative Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) party.

  14. J wrote: “There are many different beliefs on these matters held by right-wing American Christians. How do you know this is the view held by W.? “
    Finding out the answer to that was the whole purpose of the question asked at the press conference

  15. “If there’s one thing we should have learned over the a past 70 years, it’s that being rounded up and concentrated is not good for the survival of the Jews-”
    I take it you are anti-aliya?
    BTW, the anti-Christian beliefs here is quite disconcerting. Can we say prejudiced?

  16. went to select a channukah card, was shocked to see the number of cards that on the same card said “happy channyakah and merry christmas”, obviously catering to the mixed marriage crowd. so many jews intermarrying, so few jewish babies. if youre worried about the xtainization of government, do something about it; marry a jew, have jewish babies.

  17. “Since when is France a left wing government? I’m sure it would be big news to Chirac and the ruling conservative Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) party.”
    Relative to the USAs’, France’s government (and population) is left wing, even including what passes for “conservative” over there. For a broad array of stats on this, see the book “The Right Nation” by two writers for the Economist (I haven’t read it yet, but one of the authors was on TV showing comparisons between Americans and Europeans on political issues. Very eye-opening.)

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