
Oh, Canada

“An unprecedented report by the Canadian government shows Jews are the most frequent target of hate crimes in the country, followed by blacks and Muslims.”

In related news, the JTA reports,

A former PLO terrorist turned supporter of Israel was stopped by immigration officials as he boarded a flight to Vancouver. The incident involving Walid Shoebat occurred Monday at a California airport. Shoebat has been warmly welcomed by Jewish audiences across the United States and Canada in recent months, including one in Winnipeg. Shoebat, who grew up in a village near Bethlehem and now lives in northern California, was scheduled to deliver an anti-terrorism lecture in Vancouver. The talk went on as scheduled by live video link. Gabriel Patrich, a member of the local Israel Action Committee, told the Vancouver Sun he was “very disappointed” by the decision not to let Shoebat into the country and accused the Canadian government of “taking sides.” Canadian immigration department officials declined comment.

Yeah… and then they reinstated a Nazi’s citizenship.

Nice country you’ve got there.

9 thoughts on “Oh, Canada

  1. On behalf of all Canadians who despise the anti-Zionist, not too Jew-friendly Liberal government, I apologize.

  2. On behalf of all Canadians I say, hey Canuck, you know better than to speak for all Canadians. I’d rather have the liberals who sit on the fence about Israel, but well, aren’t biggoted racists and homophobes like the conservatives.
    And hey, mobius, listen, we may have problems, but at least we didn’t elect Bush. 😉

  3. On behalf of all Canadians I say, hey Canuck, you know better than to speak for all Canadians. I’d rather have the liberals who sit on the fence about Israel, but well, aren’t biggoted racists and homophobes like the conservatives.
    And hey, mobius, listen, we may have problems, but at least we didn’t elect Bush. 😉

  4. On behalf of all Canadians who are sick of the corruption, lack of morals and scruples in our government, adfs wet ahoif y9uhiu23gd4liuh`4gg.
    Hrm, it would seem I stopped caring midway through that sentance. Yup, that’s in line with being a Canadian…
    Regarding the article from the Washington Times:
    Had they reported from somewhere like, oh, Calgary, Winnepeg… basically anywhere not in Quebec, they wouldn’t have had a story. Remember “Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics”? That’s what this story is. Living in Calgary and frequenting the other prairie provinces, I have yet to be exposed to a ‘hate crime.’
    And I really wish people would stop associating Montreal with the rest of Canada. That’s like saying all Americans are backwater hicks, or that all Brits are soccer hooligans.
    And I can’t apologize for Canada being a “haven for war criminals.”
    Finally, and if I recall correctly, Walid Shoebat spoke at the University of Calgary three months ago (March). The PSA rallied outside to protest this guy. Mind you, it could have been another Zionist ex-terrorist…

  5. Had they reported from somewhere like, oh, Calgary, Winnepeg… basically anywhere not in Quebec, they wouldn’t have had a story. Uh, no. Many more antisemitic incidents were reported in Toronto than in Montreal (a href=”http://www.bnaibrith.ca/publications/audit2003/audit2003-00.html”>source).
    And I really wish people would stop associating Montreal with the rest of Canada. Fear not, my Calgarian friend: about 3 million Quebeckers are working to make that happen, and I’m sure they’d welcome your support — financial especially, these days. What problem do you have with our city, incidentally?

  6. Ah, the Bloc. I had actually suggested when the first referendum was called (I was 10) that Canada should build a security fence around Quebec…
    My big problem w/ Montreal is the crap that flows in and out of there. Don’t get me wrong, I love the music (House) scene and I definitely enjoy going out for a sandwitch at midnight with my friends who live there. Oh, but the crap that surrounds the language laws really drives me nuts. That being said, the increasingly antisemtic French Catholics and the welcome environment for Palestinians and other Arabs to Cut their heads, Hate the Jews, blow up buildings, violently rally… etc… etc… are what truly bother me.
    Basically, what I’m saying, is that Anti-Semitism really only occurs in the Liberal provinces. Now, I won’t be voting Stephen Harper on June 28th, but I sure as hell ain’t voting for Paul Martin…

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