Oh, Hey, J Street. Yom Ha'atzmaut Looks Good on You.
In honor of Israel’s 63rd birthday, and the 3rd anniversary of the founding of J Street, J Street NYC has made a series of 8 short videos featuring folks talking why they’re “on J Street,” reading excerpts from Israel’s Declaration of Independence, and sending birthday wishes and advice to Israel. The videos are a great tool for jump starting dialogue between folks about Israel/Palestine, the American Jewish community, and the urgency of a two state solution.
Here’s one of my favorites, from Maya Hetzroni:
You can watch them all here.
So, as an Israeli citizen, Maya feels that she can best affect change in Israel – in a way that reflects her values – through lobbying the US Government to pressure Israel in a way which negates the popular will of the Israeli people? Because this reflects her values.
I don’t know, I’m not Israeli. Jonathan1, maybe you can relate.
By the way, there’s something interesting to consider. You know all those Iranian and Arab democracy advocates who insist that America and American democracy activists NOT get involved in Iranian/Arab democracy movements? The ones who insist that any political change in Iran or Arab countries should be “home-grown”, and that the US or American NGOs should not interfere in the internal affairs of their countries?