Park Slope Chidush
Discovered a really funky spot in Park Slope: Jewish Music Cafe. It’s inside of a shul, but the set up is really chilled out. Occasional open mic gigs, and people like Aaron Razel, Reva L’Sheva, the holy crew of Pey Dalid played there.
The band showing up at the cafe this Sat night is called Heedoosh. Chances are you haven’t heard of them, they’re relatively new, at least as far as NY goes. Not exactly my cup of tea, but if you’re into Oasis, Radiohead, ColdPlay etc., you’ll really dig them. What struck me the most about Heedoosh is the high degree of professionalism – these are real musicians, not wankers, and that’s super-rare in the world of Jewish music. The show Heedosh puts up is also something else. All the ladies go melting. Saw some sample mp3s on their website, kind of old, not nearly as tight as the current stuff.
What wankers are you comparing them to?
the raashan wankers
who the fuck is “me?” I’m addressing Jake Marmer.
You are ignorant of both Ra’ashan and Heedoosh, how they came about, and all the musicians they have in common.
Oy was afraid of this – definitely didn’t want to elicit any sort of anymosities. Never heard of the Ra’ashan band, but I’m sure they are not wankers. Let there be peace! But at the same time, without pointing to specific bands, let’s admit that quality Jewish music that you can rock out to is hard to come by. Velvel, wouldn’t you agree?
Heedoosh and Ra’ashan are decidedly `not wankers.
I’m part of the Heedoosh team. I’m also part of a wave of people doing their best to infuse JM with a new, more relevant, spirit. I know you’re involved in the same. The manner of your plug, slimes all of Jewish Music, not differentiating the good from the bad, or even the different styles of Jewish Music.
I think there are more productive manners of dividing Jewish Music, rather than “professional” vs “wanker.” Saying that people should see a band because they’re “professional” isn’t much of a plug. It’s like saying a girl has a nice personality. Any band you plug on JewSchool better be professional.
Aside from describing that band as another Beatles rip-off, your plug sounds like it could be a plug for “The Chevra.” They are also very professional and “the ladies go melting” for them, too. I have a feeling this might be part of the music you’re trying to separate from.
I don’t want any animosity from this, either, we’re all on the same side. We all want more from our Jewish Music. I just think the plug sounded like more of a back-handed insult to everybody while boosting the band very poorly.
Brother Velvel, praising you is as perilous as praising God: focusing on one midah is heretic b/e it may imply disregard for other midot. I certainly didn’t think this would come accross as an insult – when I’m told, sincerely, that I sound very professional and do the meltin’, I go to sleep happy.
Were you at the Mima’amakim Open Mic with Heedosh? At Ginmill?
I was delighted to see that there was a plug for Heedoosh. I guess I have my own writing tone issues, the same thing I’m accusing you. Whatever, any press is good press.
Unfortunately, music-wise, I’m in Chicago, and have not attended any interesting Jewish music ventures in NY, except for when I opened with Yaniv as a two-man Heedoosh for Chaim Dovid in Woodmere. I have not attended a Mima’akim event, but I’m sure I will when I’m around NYC at the right time.
I’m very close with the Tsaidi brothers and I’m the guitar-guy whenever we’re in the same city. The ladies, in-fact, do go melting when Yaniv sings.
Did you say, Osais, blur etc… you can probably add Flannelmouth to that list. I dig em and they are from chilly Finland. Thats are far cry from where you are and well, they are cool.