Scavenger Hunt
If you happen to have a really kick-ass painting or sculpture of a chasid or chasidim dancing, whether in your house, at a local museum/gallery, or in a book on your shelf, please take a picture of medium size and send it to me here.
What’s wrong with the good, old-fashioned method of Google Images?
Hi, I’m a chossid looking for photographs or lithographs of hipsters dancing if anybody has some (preferably the Williamsburg-type hipsters, but also other types).
I do jewish themed photography. Let me knwo how much your willing to pay for some good shots.
I have a picture of a hassid man dancing with his wife, if you still need it just respond here and I’ll take a pic or scan it.
I sent you a picture of a framed print we have of two chassidic men dancing and the face of one in the top corner. I never thought anything of it, excpet just a fond memory of the grandmother it came from. But we had a guest who knows about art and he told me he knew who the artist was etc…I never knew!