This cartoon reminds me of a TV commercial for razors a few years back- They morphed a man’s head into the shape of a square and then the tag line was something like- if your face was a square you could shave with any razor…etc…
Why do I remember this stuff???
wow, the first shabot 6000 that i don’t get. time to go to the website and read the explanation.
yea. not funny.
I liked it…but i want to know WTF a robot is doing shaving anyways?
Why shouldn’t a robot be shaving? He looks old enough.
This cartoon reminds me of a TV commercial for razors a few years back- They morphed a man’s head into the shape of a square and then the tag line was something like- if your face was a square you could shave with any razor…etc…
Why do I remember this stuff???
The funnier ones don’t use puns as punchlines.