Strictly Leftist
I am strictly leftist
back against the wall, and you, at the edge of the bed,
are the right-wing extremist
this dawns on me, sometime around 4 am, as
I sneeze and reach over to give your right-wing ass
a half-conscious squeeze
and then profess this little political bedroom break-down
go back to sleep
you say, I don’t want to be hearing any of that now –
you probably really wouldn’t mind my trotskist spot by the wall
and I should be the one closer to the alarm button anyhow
to slam it and quietly trot out to breakfast proceedings,
instead of rolling over you, like a tank
Very sharp!
Politics makes for strange bedfellows.
I’m the only one in my bed…
Does that make me totalitarian?
Sigh… this is the part where I admit to having dated a Republican. A goy Republican, nonetheless. Do you hate me?
I’m a neomarxist goy in love with a reluctant liberal north shore princess. love takes many forms…..
jake i want to be in your fan club
slik lines…
how does everyone feel about contributors poems on the site, if its good, obviously..?