The Eight Most Valuable Business Secrets of the Jewish
According to a story in yesterday’s Washington Post, there’s a slew of “how-to” business guides being sold in China capitalizing on the rich-Jew stereotype. Titles such as The Legend of Jewish Wealth and Jewish People and Business: The Bible of How to Live Their Lives are flying off book shelves.
Several of the books… focus on basic business acumen that has little to do with religion or culture. But others focus on explaining how Judaism has ostensibly helped Jewish people’s success, even quoting extensively from the Talmud.
Folks’ feelings on these books seem to be very mixed, with some understandable apprehension.
Wang Zhen, a researcher at the Center for Jewish Studies, also says he recognizes that the stereotypes can be considered anti-Semitic but thinks it’s important that “even if people in China have the wrong impressions of Jewish people, the Chinese are very kind to them.”
I hope these get translated into English – I’d love a copy.
Full story here.
“I’d love a copy”
Me too. I sometimes feel left out of the international conspiracy. I don’t have nearly enough in the way of money, influence, and power.
I’m on it (my best friend is working/living in Beijing).
Now, if you’ll excuse me, my horns need sharpening. 🙂
Consider it an opening: Light unto the nations anyone? Obviously the chinese are willing to listen to Jews themselves instead of learning about them from second hand (new testament, Qur’an) sources.
It would be a great shame if world Jewry missed this oppertunity to educate the chinese about their tradition.
“I’d love a copy”
Me too. I sometimes feel left out of the international conspiracy. I don’t have nearly enough in the way of money, influence, and power.
I’m on it (my best friend is working/living in Beijing). I’ll also see if he can get a copy of “How to Run a Profitable 2008 Winter Olympic Games the Jewish Way”.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, my horns need sharpening. 🙂
Or, better yet, the SUMMER games *feeling silly*
my father just ghostwrote one
Mobius, what did your dad ghost write?
China is the future of the jewish people. Seriously.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels left out here, though I’m not sure about the potential of all of this in a “light unto the nations” sense. Philo-semitism has the weird habit of backfiring terribly.
The next greatest exodus?
There’s a little bit of this sort of thing already available in English, to wit:
Thou Shall Prosper
But more fun, of course is:
thinly veiled anti-semitism
old-school anti-semitism
I really am still waiting for my check…
I click the link thinking that I will learn the secrets but they are not there? I am disappointed.