The Invention of the Jewish People
Shlomo Sand‘s book The Invention of the Jewish People has come out in English translation. It is intentionally provocative and explicitly political, and it has hit a cultural nerve. The New York Times, the largest circulation Jewish daily in the world, has taken it up, as have others.
Here is a sampling:
- The Electronic Intifada‘s glowing embrace (except for the slight demurral that it is not anti-Zionist enough).
- Haaretz‘s interview with Sand when the Hebrew original came out.
- Historian Simon Schama‘s negative review in the Financial Times.
(Hat tip to Jewlicious for the Schama piece.)
Professor Cohen,
What is your take on this subject?
I can certainly relate to this commenter on Haaretz who said:
and of course the recent genetic studies to the contrary but, hey, why let hard science interfere with the story some guy seems compelled to tell?
That’s all we get from Jewschool? No analysis? No editorial? No opinion? This guy wrote a book that claims there is no such thing as a Jew – you know, the first three letters of “Jewschool” – and all we get is “on the one hand, on the other hand”. This is sickening.
I haven’t bothered to read Sand’s book myself, but I’ve seen others who have suggest he does address the the topic of genetic research. Regardless, studies of DNA evidence, when not tainted by Zionist politics, support what I’ve seen of Sand’s account of Jewish history, for example sake. This paragraph from the conclusion sums up the evidence well:
The whole idea dividing humanity into separate races is simply a pseudoscientific social construct, and the notion that Jews collectively constitute a unique race is particularly absurd. While it is politically inconvenient for Zionism to acknowledge such facts, the diversity amongst Jewish people deserves to be celebrated rather than obfuscated.
The most tragic irony of it all is that Palestinians are largely of Israelite decent, their ancestors having converted to Christianity and/or Islam over the course of the millenniums. Such attempts to divide people into separate races or whatever groups are little more than deceptions used pit us against each other for the benefit of the few while the masses suffer. In reality we are all brothers, and the more people who come to respect that fact, the better off humanity will be.
Avigdor – and if there is no Jewish people? If we end up being individuals united by religion and not nationality, such as it is? Why does that obliterate Jewschool?
The whole idea dividing humanity into separate races is simply a pseudoscientific social construct, and the notion that Jews collectively constitute a unique race is particularly absurd.
Is it a Zionist idea that Jews are a unique race?
In reality we are all brothers, and the more people who come to respect that fact, the better off humanity will be.
All people are the same? There are no differences between people/families/groups of people/ethnic groups/societies?
We must live on different planet Earths.
Sand isn’t denying that Jews exist as a people. He’s simply confirming that we exist in the same way as most other people’s: as a social construct with invented mythologies.
The essentialism of nationality and race is being contested everywhere – why so much fear that it’s contested territory for Jews as well?
Avigdor, at least be glad that Jewschool didn’t give a positive review.
Sand obviously did not read his Tanakh. The fact that the first Zionists were inspired by 19th century nationalism and racial theory does not negate the vast history of the Jewish family – whose members come from both inside and out.
In other words, Jewish diversity and Jewish unity are NOT mutually exclusive!
Amit, we’ve had this conversation before. You think Judaism is a religion. I don’t.
Of course converts have played a vital role in the history of our people. No one has argued that we are some “purebloods”. Jews have never been obsessed with racial dominance, because we are not a race. We are a people, united not by our blood, or even our faith, but by a fundamental spiritual truth.
Shlomo Sand wrote this book for one reason – to make money off the many people in this world who, after their ancestors pogromed, raped and expelled us for two thousand years, now wish to deny the very notion that we ever existed. That’s deranged and the writer should have been hospitalized and treated long ago.
He IS right that the myth that Jews were based SOLELY in E”Y has to be dispelled. Any honest scholar of history will tell you that Jewish life was richest in the diaspora, all the way from Babylonia to Manhattan.
Avidgor, this is crap:
“Shlomo Sand wrote this book for one reason – to make money off the many people in this world who, after their ancestors pogromed, raped and expelled us for two thousand years, now wish to deny the very notion that we ever existed. That’s deranged and the writer should have been hospitalized and treated long ago.”
Shlomo Sand is a historian, an academic. He had no idea that his book would become a best seller IN ISRAEL. And it was becoming a hit in Israel that resulted in excellent sales abroad.
It is worthwhile contrasting some of his views with those of some of the anti-Zionists/anti-Semites who champion the book. He refuses the label of anti-Zionist because he supports the existence of Israel as an entity owned by the Israeli people – Jewish and Arab, Russian and gastarbeiter alike.
Call him an Israeli patriot who pits Israel as a normal state against Jewish nationalism which demands that it remain an abnormal state.
It seems that, at the end of the day, the fundamental Jewscool argument about Zionism comes down to this view:
Sand obviously did not read his Tanakh. The fact that the first Zionists were inspired by 19th century nationalism and racial theory does not negate the vast history of the Jewish family – whose members come from both inside and out.
In other words, Jewish diversity and Jewish unity are NOT mutually exclusive!
versus this view:
and if there is no Jewish people? If we end up being individuals united by religion and not nationality, such as it is
How is saying the Jews are not the genetically distinct and 100 percent pure descendants of (and only of) the ancient Israelites the same thing as saying there’s no such thing as a Jew?
All you have to do to know that Jews aren’t pure is look at Jews from different parts of the world. Ashkenazi Jews look European. Sephardic Jews look Middle Eastern. Ethiopian Jews look Ethiopian. That doesn’t mean they’re not Jewish or Jews.
I haven’t read the book (and probably won’t). Obviously, the title is meant to be really provocative. I don’t know how far he takes the premise of the “invention.” I would just note that just because racial and ethnic distinctions are socially constructed doesn’t mean they are not real.
Look at African-Americans. They aren’t “one people.” They’re the descendants of hundreds of peoples, all of them ethnically and racially distinct in an African context, blended together with white and Native Americans, created in the crucible of slavery and Jim Crow and the inner city and all the other experiences that mark black life in the United States. So African-American identity is a social construct – created in a specific set of social circumstances. That doesn’t mean it’s not real.
One of my uncles did a cheek swab for one of these big genetic database things a few years back. His Y chromosone was from England. My grandfather was pretty disappointed. But really? Does that mean he’s not “really” Jewish? Of course not.
We have a religious culture that is distinct from the other cultures in which we live but is influenced by it. We share things in common with Jews from other cultures but also have differences with them. There are elements that have been preserved from antiquity and elements of more modern invention. That it’s this on-going human endeavor doesn’t mean it’s not “real” or that there’s no such thing as a Jew or that there is no difference between Jews and other people.
Jew Guevara,
Sand is saying EXACTLY that, that the Jews do not exist as a people. Giving him the benefit of doubt is not necessary, because the man writes this exact thing in his book and proclaims it at book signings. He also explains why he says this – to deny Jews the legitimacy of owning and settling the Land of Israel, or even living there for that matter (not that he’s leaving himself). He is open about all this.
Sand has written the modern day “Protocols” (which are themselves still a bestseller in some parts of the world). This is not a one time hit; every 30 years his demented vision will come back in a new “bold” book, and every 30 years our children will have to explain how completely wrong it is. Because if we don’t explain and fight back it will just be accepted as fact by even more people.
How many serious books, written by serious historians, on Jewish history are published every year in the world? Probably dozens, maybe hundreds. And which one becomes an internationalist best seller and gets translated into a dozen languages? The one that says the Jews aren’t really Jews, building on historical theories that were already discredited by historians 30 years ago, not to mention our own Jewish tradition.
I don’t even think that most people who read these books believe them, but they want to believe them. That’s why they are not satisfied with reading one book. They want to read more. It’s important to them. They want to reaffirm what they want to be true about the Jews – that we are not really Jews, or that we did not receive the Torah, or that it’s the wrong Torah, or that we don’t look like the real Jews or speak like real Jews…
How did this book become an international best seller overnight? For many in the West, if there are no Jews, there is no G-d – it’s an atheist ideal. For many Arabs, it’s more familial and primitive – we Jews were chosen by G-d, and they are our cousins. Who wants to be the cousin of someone famous? If only they can get rid of the Jews, maybe G-d will choose them. When the Jews were weak, the Arabs thought G-d was punishing us, and they really enjoyed themselves helping G-d punish us. Now that we are not weak, back in our land, their inferiority complex is kicking in again.
To think that this is really about land or political Zionism is infantile. This book is nothing less than a direct attack on every Jewish man, woman and child. It is an assault on the spiritual identity of every Jew still in the womb. What other people are thus attacked? What other people just accept such libel about them being published around the world, much less endorse it? This book isn’t legitimate academic discourse, it’s the modern “Protocols” – it’s libel begging action. This book endangers Jewish life. For Jewschool to present it the same way it would present a cookbook is disgusting.
If no one else here has the decency to say as much, then I will.
All you have to do to know that Jews aren’t pure is look at Jews from different parts of the world. Ashkenazi Jews look European. Sephardic Jews look Middle Eastern. Ethiopian Jews look Ethiopian. That doesn’t mean they’re not Jewish or Jews.
@em: That’s why I don’t understand why this book is so popular. What is this author saying that we all don’t know already, and how does what he writes prove that Jews aren’t a unique ethnic group/society?
Avigdor, what you say about the book is not supported. He is describing the origin myths of the Jewish people, labeling them as myths, and pointing to other scientific work describing our racial and genetic history.
For a Jew resting on faith, it simply doesn’t matter. For a Jew seeking historical or genetic confirmation of an authentic national entity – it doesn’t exist.
Sand says, the notion of Jews as a national entity descended from the original Hebrews of 2k years ago is a myth. So what? Not a single Israeli Jew loses his or her home as a result, not a single American Jew will stop with the circumsision or the bar mitzvahs.
Politically, removing the elements of myth and religion from arguments over political boundaries is a GOOD thing. Those who fear such a process aren’t defending the Jewish people, they are defending a specific manifestation of Jewish nationalism. A very 29th Century manifesttation. Good bye nationalist blood and land appeals! Good riddance! Hello God and Torah centered Judaism!
Thank you Sand for forcing Jews to focus on faith and behavior instead of essentialist nationhood….
What is this author saying that we all don’t know already, and how does what he writes prove that Jews aren’t a unique ethnic group/society?
Well, I haven’t read the book, but I would be pretty surprised if he’s arguing there’s no difference at all (socially, culturally, etc.) between Jews and non-Jews.
There are people who think the right of the Jews to be in Israel derives from them being the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites. Anti-Zionists and anti-Semites will seize upon it to say this proves they have no right to the land.
Personally, I don’t think it’s enormously relevant if we’re talking pre-1967 boundaries. A Jewish Israeli born today has as much right to live in Israel as I do to live in the United States (Happy Thanksgiving!) even if the way the land was obtained was, uh, ethically questionable, at best.
But I think what Jew Guevara said is right.
Politically, removing the elements of myth and religion from arguments over political boundaries is a GOOD thing.
Jew Guarava, you can keep weaving your own narrative into Sand’s book, or you can go read it and listen to what he himself has to say. He states it quite clearly – there is no such thing as a Jew, period.
You can interpret and pontificate over this however you like. This is the kind of material that comes out of the deep thinkers at Stormfront, and deserves to be treated as such. The world is not concerned with your inner struggle with “myths” and “nationalism”.
This book delivers a simple message to the world, articulated clearly in its title – The Invention of the Jewish People. The very fact that we’re negotiating now over whether the Jewish people exist or not is perverse. There has never been another people with our historical persistence, anywhere. Our people predate every people of Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the Americas…
You keep arguing about the lack of some ethnic/genetic bloodline, or some religious adherence, when neither is what defines a Jew, as I’ve written above. If this point is misunderstood then it is a failure of education, not a failure of peoplehood. Ultimately, that’s what makes Sand’s work so pathetic – he doesn’t even know what he doesn’t know.
This book is not popular because Sand delves deeply to unravel some tapestry of myth and legend from Israeli consciousness. It is popular because of its salacious premise – there is no Jew.
Why this premise is enticing to so many is the real question.
“Politically, removing the elements of myth and religion from arguments over political boundaries is a GOOD thing.”
I never understood this argument. What gets removed is not replaced with anything positive afterwards. You’re left with jews who basically claim “we killed a lot of arabs and took their land but I don’t give a sh*t now”. Don’t believe me? Read em’s comment above.
So no, it’s not a good thing. The search for scientific truth does not lead to moral thinking.
The positive part of my statement is this: The deepening of an authentic Israeli civic identity that is inclusive of all those living in Israel. It’s a way station on the integration of Israeli Jews into the region, a way station towards full democracy and equal rights for all.
to the extent that myths around a ‘return’ to the land are unraveled, it’s good thing. Israeli children don’t need an ideology to stay and be good little Israelis. They need ideology to assert the moral right to rule over Palestinians and remain occupiers.
I’m a proud Jew (at least some of the time.) I don’t feel that calling the Jewish people an invention makes me less Jewish or take away from my identity. Most national identities are constructed, often in very strange ways.
BTW, Sand is a Yiddish speaking child of holocaust survivors. He doesn’t deny his Jewishness as an ethnic identity; he was born into it. He’s denying it gives him rights over real estate, and challenging anyone who disagrees.
As someone raised to believe in the myths he is debunking by the educational system in Israel, I’m glad he’s doing it. Stop teaching the kids stuff that isn’t true.
Not exclusively, judophobic bigots like to cling to the myth just as much as Judophilic ones do.
Pretty close to the same on a genetic level anyway.
There is more difference genetic within any perceived “racial” group of people than between them, leaving the idea of dividing humanity into separate races as nothing more than pseudoscientific nonsense.
It takes a rather ridiculous leap in logic to come to that conclusion. Granted, as your whole post was constructed from false dichotomies, it would be unreasonable to expect anything but.
I never understood this argument. What gets removed is not replaced with anything positive afterwards. You’re left with jews who basically claim “we killed a lot of arabs and took their land but I don’t give a sh*t now”. Don’t believe me? Read em’s comment above.
What gets removed isn’t positive in the first place. Sorry, but I don’t find “We killed a lot of Arabs and took their land ’cause really it’s ours ’cause we think God says so” remotely ennobling or uplifting.
A claim (modern Jews are the descendants of ancient Israelites) is not more or less true based on how warm and fuzzy it makes me feel about the founding of the state of Israel.
And it has nothing to do with how much of a shit I give. It’s that no one can go back in time and make it happen some other way.
This manufactured controversy has thought me that all people claiming to have come up with a more “scientifically” or historically accurate picture on the origin of Jewish people are suspect.
I’m not just talking about shlomo’s sands interview where he admits he wrote the book out of political motivations.(Is his book still called a scholarly work btw, it shouldn’t). All the liberal commenters here have shown that thery’re only interested in politically useful work that moves along their agenda.
Let’s just call his product what it is, a pamphlet.
Hahaha. Brilliant! Pamphlet it is.
I’d rather call your argument what it is; handwaving.
Can we discuss recent genetic research, which blows Shlomo Sand’s inventions about the Jewish people out of the water?
In particular, I’d like everyone who used Sand’s pamphlet as an opportune moment to deny the notion of Jewish peoplehood and Jewish ancestral linkage, to admit they were wrong. Or, they can argue with the most comprehensive genetic study of its kind performed on the subject.
Either way, I’ll get the popcorn ready.
I’ve always known Sand was trippin… I mean come on, is it just a wierd coincidence that Salam Fayyad happens to look exactly like Ben Stein??