To Your Health…?
According to WHO, Israel apparently ranks amongst the healthiest of nations.
This appears to be based on the life expectancy of 81, low rankings of infectious diseases, low newborn mortality rate, comparatively low numbers of people dying of cardiovascular disease and lots of doctors.
Weird. I don’t know quite what to make of it. I’m sure our readers will fill me in. And what does all this say about my family history of heart problems.
It’s our SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. Maybe this will teach them not to tamper with it.
The U.S. industrial- medical complex, big- pharma & big- insurance have no interest in health/well- being. They make obscene profits on illness & fear. The American worker has declining wages & benefits. Many now have no retirement. Meanwhile, the health care system sits waiting, like a large vulture, for serious illness to strike the aging worker. Then, the medical complex will prolong life just long enough to remove any remaining wealth the family may have accrued. Medical crises contribute to half of all home foreclosure filings. Nationwide, medical causes may put as many as 1.5 million Americans in jeopardy of losing their homes each year. We need a single payer plan NOW!