What Sodom sounded like
Reaction to the Obama administration’s expected salary cap of $500,000 for CEOs of corporations getting bailout money:
“That is pretty draconian — $500,000 is not a lot of money, particularly if there is no bonus,” said James F. Reda, founder and managing director of James F. Reda & Associates, a compensation consulting firm. “And you know these companies that are in trouble are not going to pay much of an annual dividend.”
Full story here.
Kudos on accurate and appropriate use of references to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah.
These times of things I hope would actually be followed up on. There currently is a salary limit, but there are so many loop holes that you can get away with anything. It should be done in a way that there are no work arounds!
Not completely accurate. Sodom was “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is yours”, whereas these guys are “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine” (i.e. rasha).
Time to raise the top tax rate back to where it was before Ronald Reagan started selling out the American people.