Where is the Jewish press on Kolko & Gafni?
Six days ago I broke the Gafni story here on Jewschool. Eleven days ago, the UPI and the NY Daily News both ran stories on Kolko. Three days ago, also focusing on Kolko, New York magazine dropped one of the most exhaustive reports on a Rabbinic sex offender ever published.
Yet not a single Jewish newspaper has yet reported on either of these issues. And while I forgive the weeklies (for now; we’ll see what happens when they drop later this week), where is The JTA, The Jerusalem Post, ynet, and Haaretz on these subjects?
Why are they ignoring the two biggest clergy abuse scandals presently rocking the Jewish world?
I’ve e-mailed all of them to find out. Somehow I don’t expect I’ll be getting a response…
[Update] The Jewish Week has an article out. Steven I. responds.
What’s with that picture in the Jewish Week? That’s not Gafni.
it’s saul berman… i mention that in the comments on canonist.
I think the failure to find a picture of Gafni says a great deal about what century the Jewish Week is living in.
Also: The fact that Gary is the sole correspondent of conteroversial rabbis inherently leads to problematic reporting.