






  • Romanian intelligence officer admits to KGB plot to tarnish Pius XII as a Nazi sympathizer.



4 thoughts on “Mishegaas

  1. I don’t agree with the idea that Obama was pandering. Read the article again. He calls for greater diplomacy with Iran and Syria, and sharply criticizes the Israeli checkpoint system and security barrier (which he calls a “wall”). In fact, I think this speech demonstrates the least amount of pandering I’ve seen in him on most issues. Except for his clear-headed stance on the Iraq War, most of his campaign has avoided revealing his policies and opinions in this kind of detail. If he’s pandering so much, why is Morten Klein so worried?

  2. ” Except for his [Obama HUSSEIN’S] clear-headed stance on the Iraq War,”
    As in surrendering Iraq to be fought over between AQ & the iranians… yeah, that will work… not.
    ” most of his campaign has avoided revealing his policies and opinions in this kind of detail. ”
    Maybe because he doesn’t have anything worth discussing.
    The man has ZERO leadership experience, and his few economic and foreign policy statements are idiotic.
    “Obama said his visit to the West Bank offered a ?sense of the differences between life for Palestinians and Israelis in this region. Palestinians have to suffer through the checkpoint system, the barriers, the fenced-in wall…”
    blah blah blah, yeah its tough their life is terrible now that the wall makes it harder for paliterrs to get at Israel…Here’s a solution, lets divide Israel in half so the arabs get a 23rd state, instead of the “apartheid bantustans” the wall creates…
    “If he’s pandering so much, why is Morten Klein so worried?”
    Because Obama HUSSEIN’S pandering to jinos seems to be working.

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