
46 days and the coal ran out

Happy Yom Meyuchas! That’s right, today is the 2nd of Sivan, the Day of Distinction!
Why does this day, sandwiched between Rosh Chodesh Sivan and the three days of preparation leading up to Shavuot, get a special name? Because according to the classical rabbinic reading of Exodus 19, today was the day when God said to Moses:

Thus shall you say to the house of Jacob and declare to the children of Israel: ‘You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to me. Now then, if you will obey me faithfully and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all the peoples. Indeed, all the earth is mine, but you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you shall speak to the children of Israel.

As the story goes, Moses passes on the message, and the whole nation responds yachdav (together): “All that God has spoken, we will do!”
Here on Jewschool in 2006, we have 50,000 readers a month, with 50,001 opinions. We’re not responding yachdav. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Our diversity is our strength.
So I propose the following challenge to Jewschool’s 30+ contributors and 50,000+ readers:
Between now (when we, the people of Israel, receive the charge quoted above, whatever the heck it means to each of us) and the crack of dawn on Friday (when we receive Torah, whatever the heck Torah means to each of us), all are invited to write posts and comments addressing the topic of “What does it mean to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation?” What responsibilities do Jews (individually) and “the Jews” (collectively) have in order to make this a reality? (“None” is one possible answer, but I hope not the only one.) I look forward to reading a diverse set of answers!

3 thoughts on “46 days and the coal ran out

  1. BZ
    “What does it mean to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation?”
    Read the sentence preceding it:
    “Now then, if you will obey me faithfully and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all the peoples”.
    Keep it simple stupid.

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