Mishegas, Religion

A funny thing happened on the way to the Aleph Society forums…

The Aleph Society, brought to you by HaRav Adin Steinsaltz, announces its new interactive forums on Jewish life, law, and the teachings of R’ Steinsaltz. There aren’t many posts yet, as it’s just opened to the public in the last few hours. Live as of today, the forums include:

So check them out and post all you want. Tell your friends. Oh, and be sure to look out for one dreamy, oh-so-brilliant moderator who may or may not be my husband.

3 thoughts on “A funny thing happened on the way to the Aleph Society forums…

  1. I notice that the biography on the site doesn’t mention that R’ Steinsaltz is now the head of the Sandhedrin. Could you ask Mr. Diety why not?

  2. Perhaps the Aleph Society (or even Rav Steinsaltz himself?) doesn’t consider it so important compared to all the rest of his work? Or perhaps it’s just the same bio that’s been up for a few years?
    Does it really matter?

  3. Harav Steinsaltz’s Sanhedrin work is not mentioned mainly for reasons of humility. Whenever asked about his participation, he somwhat denies the initiative even exists, though he is taking an active part in its activities. You can be assured that he is not taking part on a whim and that he has received permission by rabbis his senior to participate.
    The onus is on us now. Will the public accept the idea of renewing a central Jewish judicial body?

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