Each year, an Israeli organization called Tsad Kadima (Step Forward) hosts the Hike for Hope (website will be updated this week), a three-day hike on
If you’re looking looking for a some interreligious dialogue and good times to make your Chanukah complete, this Tuesday night is the Interfaith Hannukah Celebration
Hey, here’s the latest that’s going on at the home of Eliyahu McLean, a.k.a. the Jerusalem Peacemakers Center. Stay tuned for more events on a
If you missed out on the Tzom Gedalia/Ramadan Break Fast last month, here’s another amazing opportunity from the gang at Jerusalem Peacemakers. The Abrahamic Reunion
Apparently none of us are “Real Jews.” That is, until we pass the following “test.” This is from an email sent to the mailing list
If you happen to be in the Baltimore/DC area this coming week, check this out: From the people who brought you Theater Bris: 10 Plays
I just heard this on NPR and nearly lost it. Of late, George W. Bush has taken up a lovely little hobby of issuing colorful
Jews for Judaism has learned that the New York Behold Your God initiative , beginning this week in New York, will incorporate a gospel media
In 2001, Jews for Jesus launched the Behold Your God Campaign, the largest evangelistic outreach in the history of their ministry, committing 5 years and
Not very impressive, no real condemnation. The lashon hara bit seems unproductive, and to say that “the first thing that must happen after the revelation