Peace and Dialogue Gathering in Jerusalem
Hey, here’s the latest that’s going on at the home of Eliyahu McLean, a.k.a. the Jerusalem Peacemakers Center. Stay tuned for more events on a weekly basis.
Where: 26aleph Charlap (down the steps at Moshe Rivlin and to the first left), 3rd floor
When: Tuesday evening, October 24, at 8:30 PM
Featured this evening will be:
~ Siri Om Singh, an African-American Sikh who will share his experience with kirtan, sacred chanting.
~ Rabbi Menachem and Hadassah Froman. Rabbi Froman will share teachings on the universalist Torah perspectives on the meaning of Jerusalem. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the amazing peacework of the Fromans, check out Rabbi Froman’s site on Jerusalem Peacemakers (the site is being updated, but there’s still some great stuff up there).
~ Rebbetzin Emunah Witt, who will share a teaching about Parshat Noach as it relates to peacebuilding and coexistence.
~ A Muslim guest (TBA) who will speak about this week’s holiday of Id el Fitr.
Please bring a snack or drink to share.
For more information, [email protected], 02-563-7578