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Hadag Nahash are one of my favorite bands. I’ve seen them twice in Israel, and tomorrow will be the second time I’m missing the chance to see them in NY. sucks. If you’re in the city, go!
Hadag Nahash are one of my favorite bands. I’ve seen them twice in Israel, and tomorrow will be the second time I’m missing the chance to see them in NY. sucks. If you’re in the city, go!
They kisk-ass! I’m going to see them at the House of Blues in Chicago in a couple of weeks.
We can agree on something
KFAR Jewish Arts Center is pleased to promote Hadag’s Chicago debut.
If you’re interested in getting tickets and NOT paying ticketmaster’s fees, visit http://www.kfarcenter.com or drop us a line @ tickets at kfarcenter do com.
!!!à å éä éä éä
They’re playing good ol’ Washington University in St. Louis this Sunday night… yeehaw!
They start the last tour in DC but do they come back? Nooooooo.
Wow i love that band, you should go see them in shithole israel, maybe next time you will die there.
Wow. Not sure what to make of that last comment.