And The Simcha Never Stops
Mazal tov u’mazal tov to Jewschool’s Alex Margolin, aka Kalman Rushdie, and his lovely kallah Lisa Gold on the occassion of their wedding, which took place tonight in Shoresh.
Alex was my chevruta last year at Yakar, and his wife Lisa started blogging revamped her blog after their fifth date, during which they attended my presentation on blogging and independent media (WMV).
The utterly beautiful ceremony was presided over by Rabbi David Levin-Kruss (aka the infamous DLK) of the Pardes Institute, and — holy shnikey — what a spread. I haven’t eaten so well in a month.
Man, when British Jews do it, they do it with style.
Awesome pictures. Thanks for posting them. I really wanted to be there…
mazel tov
This post is featured on Havel Havelim #51.
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Shavua tov, chodesh tov and Chanukah Sameach,
Oooh thanks for that: I missed the Chupa!
i am blown away by the attention this post has received. we are both soooo happy that you enjoyed yourself enough to blog about it (and even amend it following my note!). Huge kavod to you too for surviving a journey from Jerusalem to the wedding with 40 of my parents closest British friends and family! And then despite – or due to – the experience pointing out how the Brits know how to party. (A line which was quoted back to us proudly by the younger generation at our last Sheva Brachot last night!)
Thank you!!!!!!!!
Kudo especially