Canadian Jewish Groups In Uproar Over "Apartheid Week"
The Globe & Mail reports,
An event organized by the Arab Student Collective at the University of Toronto, to debate what it calls the Israeli apartheid state, is raising the ire of religious and human-rights organizations throughout the city.
Israeli Apartheid Week, is scheduled to begin today and has been organized by the collective, a recognized club at U of T.
[…] Groups including B’nai Brith Canada and the Evangelical Association of Canada have publicly condemned the University’s decision to permit the event, saying that it will incite hatred against Jewish students on campus.
I dunno, after having been here for a little while, I think you’d have to be blind to think Israel is anything other than an apartheid state, and after hearing Jeff Halper and Tamer Nafar speak recently, I’m pretty much convinced it is.
Of course, there are cosmetic attempts at integration — bilingual schools and the like. But this society is so segregated — just a brief glance at the Association for Civil Rights in Israel’s website, let alone awareness of Jewish-only & Arab-only communities, schools, hospitals and other civil services, is enough to make a compelling case that it’s state-sanctioned (despite being illegal according to both Israel’s Declaration of Independence and one ruling after another by Israel’s Supreme Court), and in that, it’s enough to make anyone look ridiculous for contending otherwise.
[Update] Many of the laws which established South Africa’s apartheid regime are reflected in laws currently on the books in Israel.
- SA: The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act (1949); Israel: “The Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law bars Israelis married to Palestinians from the Occupied Territories from living together in Israel.”
- SA: The Population Registration Act (1950); Israel: “Israeli authorities require members of the public to carry ID cards on their persons at all times. The Israeli ID card heirarchy is as follows: blue cards, specifying the ‘nationality’ of the bearer to distinguish between Jews and non-Jews, for Israeli citizens (the two main ‘nationalities’ being ‘Jewish’ and ‘Arab’); blue cards for permanent residents indicating, for example, their East Jerusalem residency; orange cards for West Bank (outside of Israeli defined Jerusalem) and Gaza Strip residents, indicating their place of residence and their religion; green cards for persons considered by Israel to be ‘security risks.'”
- SA: The Group Areas Act (27 April 1950); Israel: “Public land in Israel is administered by the Israel Land Authority which as a public body has a legal obligation not to discriminate against citizens. Yet the ILA is heavily influenced by the Jewish National Fund, which acts in the interests of Jews only, and uses a number of methods to limit the land available for development for the benefit of the Palestinian Arab community.”
- SA: The Bantu Education Act (1953); Israel: “Government-run Arab schools are a world apart from government-run Jewish schools. In virtually every respect, Palestinian Arab children get an education inferior to that of Jewish children, and their relatively poor performance in school reflects this.”
- SA: The Mines and Work Act (1956); Israel: “The overall number of Palestinians working in Israel has decreased by about 100,000 compared to pre-Intifada levels. One may notice a consistent strategy of diminishing the Palestinian workforce, in the way of replacing it gradually by migrant workers from the Philippines, China, Thailand and Eastern European countries.”
- SA: The Promotion of Black Self-Government Act (1958); Israel: “Israel’s cabinet adopted a series of measures Sunday, aimed at facilitating Palestinian elections on January 9.” … “Many Palestinians fear this is another setup so when the inevitable failure brought about by Israeli intransigence occurs, this will be another opportunity to blame the Palestinians, and accuse them of missing an opportunity once again.”
Which brings us, finally, to the Black Homeland Citizenship Act (1971). Discrimination against Arabs within Israel is hardly the sole or even gravest purpose for criticizing Israel as an apartheid regime. The greater question is in relation to Israel’s intentions for Palestinian statehood. People often tout Barak’s offer at Camp David as being the end-all, be-all evidence of Palestinian rejectionism: “We offered them everything!” But what were they really offered?
A quick perusal of this map outlining Barak’s offer demonstrates the existence of a Palestinian state within five non-contiguous territories, divided by Jewish settlement blocks and surrounded by Israeli controlled territory on all sides. This reflects precisely the bantustan system within apartheid South Africa:
Bantustan refers to any of the territories designated as tribal “homelands” for black South Africans during the Apartheid era. The term “bantustan” was first used in the late 1940s and was coined from Bantu (meaning “people” in the Bantu languages) and -stan (meaning “land of”), and was based on Hindustan. It later became a disparaging term used by critics of the Apartheid-era government’s “homelands”.
These homelands were allocated to blacks by the white Apartheid government of the Republic of South Africa and were designated to become independent states under a plan called “Separate Development”. This plan would have given independence to blacks in these newly created tribal states, while stripping them of their South African citizenship, leaving whites as the majority in South Africa. Originally, there were to be about ten Bantustan-Homelands. These small, quasi-sovereign regions were established under the 1951 Bantu Authorities Act, and began to be given “independence” in 1976.
As Israel proceeds in drawing “facts on the ground” in the form of its security barrier and its expansion of settlement blocks, and Mahmoud Abbas makes overtures to the acceptance of a Palestinian state within these designated territories, this scenario has already become the situation Palestinians find themselves in. Thus, in light of these facts, I ask you: Is it so absurd or contentious to make the claim that Israel is an apartheid state?
it is to my understanding that the week will be equally focussed on accusing Israel of ethnic clensing.
yes well … frankly, i think israel is attempting to ethnically cleanse certain areas of the west bank — particularly those which it has arbitrarily zoned and rezoned for industry, agriculture, and jewish settlement. but allow me to be clear: israel’s practice of ethnic cleansing is not extermination or genocide. it is, i believe, what i’ve heard palestinians refer to as a “quiet transfer policy.” but it’s nonetheless unnerving, and frustrating matters in the region.
When Palestine is a recogniized state, will it be integrated? Will any Jewish communities be welcome? What countries in the Middle East are vastly integrated? Do you think Jews will resettle Iraq? Are Jews permitted into Saudi Arabia even as tourists? Dunno, something tells me that you, and our Muslim friends at UT are holding Israel to the dreaded “higher standard.” Question is: are your motivations the same?
its funny how true the saying is…..jews are their own worst enemey…..the arabs are dum…if they just leave us alone we will destroy ourselves.
ok, here is what apartied was in south africa: blacks legally blocked from voting, living in white areas, using many public facilities + many other legal disabilities. in israel palestinians vote, indeed elect mk’s; there is no law preventing them from moving anywhere; they can use bathrooms, public facilities at will; in saudi arabia, jews are prohibited altogether; any muslim converting to another religion faces a death sentence; no one can vote at all. who has the apartied society?
Mobius honestly it looks like you are against the idea of a Jewish State.I think after 6 million dead and 2000 years of the worst type of persecution Jews deserve a state where they are in charge.One cannot deny that majority of Israeli Arabs want Israel to not be a Jewish state.And if their rights are infringed well so be it. And still they have more political freedom in Israel then in any other Arab state.
and to me if a person is against a Jewish state well that means he’s on the side of Hamas.
wow. this is terrible. when exactly did people’s brains just shut off? anyone who is not a zionist is a supporter of terrorists? how very W-esque. and dickforce, do you have a point, beyond the fact that that Israel’s neighbors are much more repressive than Israel? because Israel lives in a region full of shameful regimes, they should follow suit? or are you upset that the UT students haven’t devoted a week to Saudi Arabia?
Thank you, Mobius.
Israel’s internal Arab situation is pretty bad, but yes, they can vote. The Palestinians are under Israeli military control, but they can’t vote. Israel builds settlements in this unannexed territory and builds bypass roads forcing the Palestinians to drive bizarrely complex routes to get from one of their towns to another, and forbids Palestinians to drive on the settler roads. (“Many public facilities” have to be forbidden for it to be apartheid, eh? And being banned from voting? What else does there need to be again?)
I think widespread fluency in Afrikaans is pretty much a sine qua non. And, of course, French-inspired vineyards.
Mobius, you gotta be kidding me. You need a little more evidence to prove that Israel is an apartheid state.
Canada has separate schools for francophones and anglophones. Bring on the f*ing sanctions.
I keep showering and showering, but I just can’t wash the self-loathing off my body. Calgon take me away!
can you say bantustan?
Ya Habibi, our own ethnic cleansing and apartheid is but a drop in the bucket. Besides, the separate schools are at the request of the francophones and anglophones, who are therefore (obviously) self-hating. And that whole keep-our-French-hospital, budget-cuts-be-damned thing? Another Darfur. No joke.
No, if you want scandalous, look to our friendly neighbours to the south. Lebanon’s ethnic cleansing pales in comparison to, oh, Milwaukee’s. I mean, even after their “Supreme” Court ruled that ethnic cleansing was, you know, illegal. It’s just crazy.
Thing is, Mobius just doesn’t understand us. I mean, there’s the sensationalist headlines — Canadian Jewish Groups In Uproar Over “Apartheid Week”? But that’s not even the worst of it. He thinks we’re miffed ’cause we don’t really think Israel is, you know, an ethnic-cleansing apartheid state. Speaking in plain language, I mean.
But that’s so wrong! The problem is the double standard. I mean, out of all the apartheid states out there — Sweden, Djibouti, Brazil, and of course you ‘Murricans — why israel? It just ain’t fair.
but allow me to be clear: israel’s practice of ethnic cleansing is not extermination or genocide. Oh, of course you’re clear. That’s why you’re using clear language! Stuff like “ethnic cleansing” really gets the point across. And that’s exactly what you were trying to do. Nothing to do with recent threads, ‘course.
For fuck’s sake already. What was the British fella’s name, Blair? Orwell? Something like that.
The Palestinians are under Israeli military control, but they can’t vote. Hadn’t you heard? Municipal councils were the last few weeks. National election forthcoming.
(Oops: wrong Orwell link. That one didn’t even make sense. Politics and the English Language, I was going for.)
ugh– I hate the appropriation of loaded terms like “apartheid.” It just makes no linguistic sense to use a term with such specific connotations and claim that, since there are some generalities in common, that it is an acceptable term for a completely different situation.
Call out Israel until you’re blue in the face, just stay away from comparing tragedies– it gets us nowhere.
Jesus Mobius, if political commentary could be diagnosed with the DSM, you’d have classic case of Bipolar Disorder dude.
Israel’s internal Arab situation is pretty bad, but yes, they can vote. The Palestinians are under Israeli military control, but they can’t vote. Israel builds settlements in this unannexed territory and builds bypass roads …. etc.
This would be funny if it wasn’t used to fan such viscious hatred.
Yes, that’s right – Arabs who found themselves in Israeli territory after 1948 were given complete citizenship. Including the right to vote. There are 5-8 Arab MPs in every Israeli Knesset. Their educational system is separate – not because of apartheid, but because that’s how Israel handles minority demands for specialized education – there are 2 streams of Orthodox Jewish education, for example.
Any visitor to any Israeli hospital knows that Arabs have full access to the best health care in the entire region – in fact wealthy Jordanians come here for treatment. There is no apartheid in this area – it’s just a baldfaced lie.
The plaint voiced here that there is still latent anti-Semitism is typical of that sort of idealistic leftie whining that takes no consideration of human realities – for many Israelis the scars of war are still fresh, and instantaneous integration of the sort you may see in an American suburb is an unrealistic expectation.
– and the Palestinians? The Palestinians were purposely NOT given citizenship because the Israelis did NOT want to annex their land (kinda funny tactic for people that “everyone knows” are nasty Nazi colonialists… ) In 1967, shortly after the war, Israel announced its willingness to negotiate a peace agreement that would finally determine its eastern border – and Israeli policy towards the Arab residents of the West Bank was specifically intended to send the message that these people would be granted independence.
We had to wait 30 years for Oslo – during which time the Palestinians were given electricity, water, health care, and education budgets without paying a dime in taxes. And now Oslo has proved to be a false peace process, a Trojan horse used to destroy Israel.
To come after all this history and try to beat up on Israel for not giving West Bank residents citizenship – while simultaneously uphold Palestinian nationhood – is a non sequitir and totally unfair. Israel did not impose apartheid – its policy since 1967 amounted to AGREEMENT that the Palestinians should not live under Israeli domination. To turn this into a stick to hit Israel is dishonest.
It is typical of the confused thinking of the left, which unquestioningly swallows the conflicting, irrational claims of Arab propaganda – anything bad about Israel is instantly believed.
This tortured type of argument is not valid critique of Israel – it is anti-semitism. Coming from a Jew or Israeli, it is self-hatred.
In a way Arabs are more free than Israeli jews! an Arab can walk freely in any ANY israel city or town. If a jew even comes close to Gaza City, certain death is awaiting him.her. Or hebron or nabulus…but an arab will be able to walk freely. So if honestly you think you live in this horrible hate infested state, why do u stay. Ur a jew….so ur an acomplise in all of this. AM ISRAEL CHAI!!
I’m not particularly eloquent, but Israeli Arabs do have the choice of staying or leaving. Why do they stay? Why don’t they move to an Arab-majority country or perhaps move to a Palestinian area? I think it’s because they know that life is much better as an Israeli Arab than as an Arab in an Arab land. To me, this kind of disproves the “apartheid” claim.
except that it is BS. Where exactly did they get that map? Funny how Dennis Ross has said that that map is BS, but maybe our friends from FMEP were hiding under the bed when the offer was made and took a snapshot with their secret spycam in their show? Gimme a break.
“Bantustan refers to any of the territories designated as tribal “homelands” for black South Africans during the Apartheid era.”
Ahh. Now I get it. After the Europeans killed Jews with industrial efficiency during the holocaust, they stuck the survivors in a desert “banustan”. That is apartheid (dude).
ben-david wrote: “This tortured type of argument is not valid critique of Israel – it is anti-semitism. Coming from a Jew or Israeli, it is self-hatred.”
Self hatred? Are the Israeli government’s policies inherently part of Jewish people? Nobody ever gave me (an American) a vote on any of it. It seems to me you are conflating Jewish identity with Israeli state polcies.
HaZeev wrote: “If a jew even comes close to Gaza City, certain death is awaiting him.her.”
Really? Then how does Amira Hass manage to live in Gaza among the Arabs for so many years ?
Mobius, Thank you for showing the consequences of combining socialism and sectarian pluralism. When the state is socialist and the society is sectarian, the natural result is segregation (although Israeli “segregation” is so light compared to South Africa’s that naming it such is misleading). Israel is catering to diverse interests, and so its laws must treat people differently so long as it is socialist. Would it be better to force Arab and Charedi kids into more mainstream schools? Not if you want to allow them to preserve their sectarian values.
The way to solve this is not through “desegregation,” but reather through economic liberalization. If schools and other services were private, and if Charedi and other groups did not receive tremendous subsidies, this segregation would disappear. People still might organize around similar poulations, but it would lack the color of state coercion. Thus, the problem is socialism, not “segregation.” Israel is not one of the freest countries, and that will be true so long as it embraces socialism. Today, the threat to freedom is “segregation.” If that ends, the threat will be “forced assimilation.” Those are the only alternatives with socialism.
Does it ever occur to Zionism’s critics that the civil rights situation in Israel could be much freer to progress, and with Israelis much less insecure, if its Arab establishment neighboring states could finally bring themselves to recognize the same legitimate national rights of the Jewish people that are assumed by Arab peoples in the Middle East? Too often these “apartheid” debates lead to the conclusion that one Jewish state is too many while 21 Arab states are not enough.
the problem with responding to mobius or any chomsy like enemy of jews is their distortions, misquotes, selective use of facts, and outright lies. to take just a few moments: mobius claims the borak peace plan established a series of disconnected “bantus”. yes, that statement was made by the palestinians murderers; but dennis ross and bill clinton both said the plan was for one contiquous palestinian state. so mobius presumably believes palestinian murderers, and disbelieves the president and his top negotiator. thats fine, if one so identifies with palestinians murderers he finds them more credible than his own leaders, that should be the disclaimer at the start of the post: THIS POST REFLECTS THE POSITION OF PALESTINIAN MURDERERS. Next, the post believes that israels use of foreign workers as opposed to allowing palestinians from the west bank to work in israel is evidence of bias – last i heard no one from thailand was trying to murder little jewish babies; so yes, utilizing thai workers displays a bias against allowing murderers into your country. so whats the point of mobys argument – that he so hates the jews of israel that he wants them murdered? that hes so in love with the palestinians that hes willing to increase the murder rate of jews so that palestinians can earn a better living. i truly truly dont get it, i dont get mobius, i dont get anyone who agrees with him, i dont get anyone who draws the moral balance the way he does – does he really believe what he says here? why why why???????
that yisrael the libertarian is good
Mob posted a few times that his posts don’t always represent his personal opinion and that he often reports different things in order to generate discussion.
So I really don’t believe that an intelligent, liberal, critical thinker especially after being in Israel for several months, still thinks that Israel is an apartheid state.
By coincidence or not, I ate with South African ‘coloured’ (their term) non-Jewish people last night, and we talked about the whole apartheid issue. First time, I’ve been able to talk with people who actually felt the discrimination. So call Israel an apartheid state is a serious insult to what they went through.
could you add to your apartheid ‘proofs’ that Arabs can apply to the college in Ariel, and that a few dozen actually learn there. Must be some quota system of the ethnic cleansing settlers…
you know what… maybe if you pound a square peg into a round hole for long enough, it will indeed fit.
You can make plenty of comparisons, but that doesn’t change the fact that these situations have fundmentally different contexts. Each should be judged and critiqued separately without the appropriation of terms. It’s not a far leap from this to ‘Israel=Nazis’ and i just find the whole idea revolting.
Critique Israel for Israel, and leave S. Africa out of it.
Zionista wrote: “Too often these “apartheid” debates lead to the conclusion that one Jewish state is too many while 21 Arab states are not enough.”
That’s funny.. because I’ve noticed that the same people who whine about how the Arabs have 21 states (or whatever the actual number is) also oppose Arab Nationalism
It wasn’t always broken up into 21 easier to manage states you know, it was once unified and it was forcefully broken up by the west
If you don’t like the 21 separate countries with 21 United Nations votes then support Arab Nationalism so there would be one giant Arabian nation with only 1 vote.
josh wrote: “So call Israel an apartheid state is a serious insult to what they went through. ”
Really? Seems Desmond Tutu doesn’t agree –
Apartheid in the Holy Land by Desmond Tutu
“It wasn’t always broken up into 21 easier to manage states you know, it was once unified and it was forcefully broken up by the west
If you don’t like the 21 separate countries with 21 United Nations votes then support Arab Nationalism so there would be one giant Arabian nation with only 1 vote.”
Is Brown suggesting the reinstating of the caliphate. That’s Qaeda talk, Brown.
And it seems we all disagree with Desmond Tutu. Duh. Hey, weren’t you the fella linking to logical fallacies just a few threads ago?
Mobius’ posting can be ignored…at our own risk. He raises issues that need to be clarified. So, say you don’t believe Israel is an “apartheid” state (which I don’t). Fine, can you convince anyone else of that? If not, we’re screwed.
I suggest the following question. Imagine that Israel was not at war nor had been at war with its Arab neighbors. Would the Arab inhabitants of Israel really be like the blacks of South Africa? No. You simply cannot claim that. Those Arabs that did not declare war on the state, say Beduins or Druse and others, are integrated into the society to a large degree compared to apartheid South Africa. I’m not saying there would be no difference between Jewish and non-Jewish inhabitants, and those are issues that should be dealt with. We cannot ignore the many places where Torah law insists on one law for non-Jews and Jews. But, to claim that Israelis would choose to be at war with the Arab population is flat-out unfair. I suspect that the vast majority of Israelis would prefer to have an integrated workforce etc. than worry about bombings.
Jeres a taster from a discussion of this very topic by South Africans, who have some knowledge about the subject:
We note how the Israeli state rests on overt repression, a system of structural violence and institutionalised discrimination that dehumanises one group to the advantage of another. Apartheid Israel has developed an elaborate system of racial discrimination, embedded in its legal system-even surpassing Apartheid South Africa’s laws. These laws include the Law of Entry, the Law of Return, Citizenship Law, legally sanctioned discriminatory rabbinical rulings and the Military Service Law. Palestinians are denied various welfare benefits, access to many jobs, and the leasing of homes and land controlled by government bodies. We realise that while Palestinians within the ’48 borders may vote, they face these discriminatory laws and are treated like third class citizens. Electricity, sewerage, roads and water supplies are provided free to Israeli households whereas many Palestinian communities in Israel, let alone the occupied territories, have existed for decades without adequate services. The Israeli education system is racist in practice and in content. Almost no Arab history is covered and there are no Arab textbooks in the Israeli curricula. Palestinians also face significant barriers in gaining access to universities. In South Africa similar factors contributed to the Uprisings in 1976 and the 1980s.
Jeres a taster from a discussion of this very topic by South Africans, who have some knowledge about the subject:
We note how the Israeli state rests on overt repression, a system of structural violence and institutionalised discrimination that dehumanises one group to the advantage of another. Apartheid Israel has developed an elaborate system of racial discrimination, embedded in its legal system-even surpassing Apartheid South Africa’s laws. These laws include the Law of Entry, the Law of Return, Citizenship Law, legally sanctioned discriminatory rabbinical rulings and the Military Service Law. Palestinians are denied various welfare benefits, access to many jobs, and the leasing of homes and land controlled by government bodies. We realise that while Palestinians within the ’48 borders may vote, they face these discriminatory laws and are treated like third class citizens. Electricity, sewerage, roads and water supplies are provided free to Israeli households whereas many Palestinian communities in Israel, let alone the occupied territories, have existed for decades without adequate services. The Israeli education system is racist in practice and in content. Almost no Arab history is covered and there are no Arab textbooks in the Israeli curricula. Palestinians also face significant barriers in gaining access to universities. In South Africa similar factors contributed to the Uprisings in 1976 and the 1980s.
John Brown: “That’s funny.. because I’ve noticed that the same people who whine about how the Arabs have 21 states (or whatever the actual number is) also oppose Arab Nationalism”
There are 21 member nations of the Arab League (plus the Palestinian Authority). Only three recognize Israel. How many Arab states go unrecognized by Israel?
fineline, well said. It is good to see such good opinions coming from my alma mater, Wash. U.
Oops, sorry about the double post – computer glitch.
Heres another South African examining the similarities between the 2 systems:
My first contention is that Israel is, internally, a state that is based on a system of exclusivity akin to apartheid in South Africa and hence allows it to be regarded as an apartheid state. I understand Apartheid as a system of privileging and advantaging one group of people over others on the basis of race or ethnicity. In the South African context privilege and advantage flowed from one’s being white; in the Israeli context they are based on one’s being Jewish. I will look at two issues within the Israeli context to argue this case, and briefly sketch similarities in the South African context of the past: the questions of 1) citizenship and 2) land and land ownership.
Personally I find the argument that whilst Israeli Arabs ARE discriminated against, they have a better life than other Arabs in the region to be a no-brainer.
Many black South Africans under Aparteid were better off than people in other parts of Africa. That in no way meant that it was okay for them to be the subject of legally entrenched discrimination.
Janine should look at Arab dhimmitude if she wants to see a better example of the apartheid state she describes. This does not excuse Israel when it acts improperly, but it provides context.
Ohhhh … this has gotten long, tedious, and stupid. Mobius: Is it so absurd or contentious to make the claim that Israel is an apartheid state? No more absurb or contentious than making the claim that Greece and Iceland are apartheid states. But who has the time?
Dickforce wrote: “Is Brown suggesting the reinstating of the caliphate. That’s Qaeda talk, Brown.”
No, Arab Nationalism and Pan-Arabism were always secular philosophies and were opposed by Islamist people as “infidel” ideologies
do you want a jewish state or a democracy?
eventually you will have to decide
Since my background is counseling and marketing, I can only wonder:
a) Is Mobius embarassed about HT’s posts and is trying to counter with equally absurd posts
b) Is Mobius trying to promote Jewlicious (cuz Lord knows, Jewschool looks a little like ISM today, and if this continues, I won’t be back)
c) Is Mobius trying to court John Brown into some wierd sex act by playing to his politics?
Hmmmm. Tell me about your dreams.
HT, Democracy is a means and a Jewish state is an end. They are compatable. Only if by Jewish state you mean Jewish theocracy or a Greater Israel, are the two inconsistent.
there is a demographic issue soon to exlode. the Arabs are outnumbering the Jews because the secular Jews aren’t having children, they’re taking away the money from the only Jews that are (the charedim) and none of the hotshot Americans who preach from their cushy homes on the other side of the Atlantic are moving here either.
What happens then?
btw: my brother is right. there is a lot of ethnic cleansing going on. removal of jews from their homes. how come no one’s crying about that, but they’re crying for the g-ddamn sand niggers instead?
HT, Exactly how are secular Jews taking money away from the Charedim? My understanding is that all Jews are taked to support the Charedi welfare system. If welfare benefits are being reduced, that is allowing people to keep their money, not taking money away from the welfare recipient.
Also, the Demographic issue is only a real problem if Israel annexes Gaza and the West Bank as you have proposed. Without such annexation, the population balance is not going to tilt any time soon.
If you want Americans to make Aliyah, you should promote peace instead of warmongering. Peace will bring Americans to Israel.
So does HT get threatened with removal for the use of the term “sand niggers,” Mobius?
I find it terribly unfortunate that good Jewish families will need to relocate from the settlements. It is a terrible hardship and they deserve special monetary consideration and government support as a result. However, their relocation is necessary to peace. Is it sad, yes, but it is necessary for Jewish security and peace.
Wow, it would take a long time to take on each and every point you make – although that is more than doable – but I do want to congratulate you for compressing about 63% of the International-Left-Pro-Palestinian-propaganda-machine Crapola into one dense post.
Mazal tov from the bottom of my heart.
If you want to make some scratch, just send this to some Egyptian or Iranian newspaper for publication. This should fit right in.
PS The ultimate result of this bullshit and constant undermining of Israel’s legitimacy only makes things worse for the Palestinians over time.It certainly strengthens their violent approach to the conflict and gives their extremists a great deal of power and legitimacy. It also ensures that they will not compromise (again), and without their willingness to compromise, there won’t be peace. While Israel is damaged by this in different ways, the people most harmed are the Palestinians. I guess the wacky Left strikes out again.
having never lived in south africa, i don’t think i can make any sort of visceral judgement. I certainly don’t think that Israel is an “apartheid state” By virtue of the fact that Arabs and Jews stay apart on the ground is more a result of the larger ethnic conflict, not the political posturing of either the palestinian or jewish governments. I don’t buy it.
HT: “sand niggers”
Hey Mobius, I believe you stated “quicker than you can type self-hating Jew”. I just typed it, and why is HT still here?
The weird thing about HT and Mobius (clearly from the same family) is as soon as you start warming to their passion, love of Judaism, etc., etc., they fly off the cliff with some crazy post, statement, etc., making you feel stupid for giving them the benefit of the doubt two minutes before.
Here’s my ideal shabbos table to date:
Mobius and HT can wash the dishes.
Just stumbled upon a quote that I believe is apropos for this posting:
“Someone who does not know the difference between good and evil is worth nothing.” — Miecyslaw Kasprzyk, Polish rescuer of Jews during the Holocaust, New York Times, Jan. 30, 2005
Shtreimel, good quote, especially when as is the case her, one has to weigh the magnitude of evils on either side of a decision. If you can’t see evil, you certainly won’t be able to weigh it against other evils.
MOBIUS, As the map shows, there are not 5 discountinuous land masses, but 2 major and one extremely small (which clearly should be connected to the Northern section) sections planned for the Palestinian state in the WB. The bantustan arguement comes from a belief that Israel would never cede control over the areas of the Jordan valley, which-in the context of security guarantees/progress and international pressure and guarantees, i highly doubt they would hold onto for more than 10 years (10 years is a reasonable amount of time for the Palestinians to establish a security force and show some progress). personally, i think it would be problematic to have even the 2 large land masses without continuity-though I wouldn’t call that apartheid-and i think you have the same problem with a palestinian state in WB and gaza…whats the solution there for continuity (a land corridor controlled by intl forces?). what bothers me more about the map is the presence of so many jewish settlements within the planned Palestinian state, how and why the hell do we plan to keep those as part of sovreign israel?
OK, let’s go through this one by one.
Mixed marriages: The mixed marriages law was a security measures to stop terrorists from using sham marriages to get into Israel. This is the sole reason for it. If it were truly an attempt at apartheid, it would have happened a long time ago. As it is it did not pass by much and was roundly criticized. No one is going to throw you in jail in Israel if you’re a party to a Palestinian-Jewish couple.
ID Cards: Europe does pretty much the same thing with ID cards.
Education: SA is simply not comparable. Read Kaffir Boy by Mark Mathabane if you want to get an idea about Bantu Education. It simply is not remotely similar. And by the way, we have pretty much the same thing in the US, unless you think an inner-city black kid has the same chance at a good education as a middle-class white kid. In many places, people separate themselves ethnically when it comes to education. Should it be better in Israel? Of course. Is it apartheid? Not on your life.
Workforce: There is one reason the Palestinian workforce has diminished: terrorism. There is no conspiracy to starve it out, putting aside for the moment that in a situation where there is to be two states, Palestinian economics cannot depend on Israeli jobs.
Self-government: It is not really worth dignifying, but I think by now we all should realize that most Israelis are in favor of a Palestinian state, as long as it doesn’t mean the end of the Jewish one.
The offer of Barak in 2000 (and the maps are the Palestinian Negotiation Affairs Bureau maps, which makes them untrustworthy to say the least) was an offer that even Arab leaders thought Arafat should have taken. Let’s have no more of this revisionist history about 2000.
“No, Arab Nationalism and Pan-Arabism were always secular philosophies and were opposed by Islamist people as “infidel” ideologies”
That’s Baathist talk, Brown.
“Let’s have no more of this revisionist history about 2000.”
But for some Jews, that’s all they’ve got. It’s like taking away a religion. I say, revise all you want, and then let a bright chap like Brenner pipe in and make y’all look silly.
Is anyone upset about ‘sand-niggers’ because it is disgusting, or just because we want to be able to use our own awful epithets, also?
HT: I just wonder if thats why I sent all my quarters to Israel for trees; so we could get some good old fashioned lynching goin’ on when the A-rabs get all uppity.
Racism is racism is racism.
ever notice that for every action theres a reaction (i think thats physics or something); will, if you are jewish and antiisraeli and take violently antiisraeli anti jewish stances, aiding and abetting the enemies of the jews, the ht’s of the world will lose their normal good sense and use words like “s-n”. so brown, asaf, mobius, its your extremism that results in the extremism of the right.
avi don’t try to push her attitudes off on the left.. she’s one of yours, and you have nobody to blame but yourself
is ht actually m1skis’ sister? if so, that’s interesting.
I don’t have much to add to Mobius’s post, other than a hearty “Yasher Koach”. I know that there are lots of places the analogy breaks down, but on the whole, I think its a good comparison. If it helps people wake up to the realities of occupation, that would be a good thing.
“I know that there are lots of places the analogy breaks down, but on the whole, I think its a good comparison. ”
Kinda like…I don’t like anything about you, I think you’re ugly, you’re boring, and you smell funny, but all in all, you’re a wonderful person. Very insightful Yusul.
If it helps people wake up to the realities of occupation, that would be a good thing.
Grin — this is the usual justification for propaganda. As it happens, the more likely effect of this kind of lying is to alienate people from wanting anything to do with those who claim a monopoly on the realities of occupation. Hell, it’s working for me.
HT: I cannot believe that you just used the term “sand niggers.”
You should be ashamed of yourself.
ht- please cut the bullshit sweetheart, this isn’t the SOD message board.
Most political events organized by university student groups tend to result in histrionics devoid of “reasonable debate” anyway. Whether it is “Israelis=Nazis” or “Israel=Apartheid”, Canadian campuses seem like the place to be if you loathe Israel (Waterloo being most infamous).
Even if people were to agree on whether there is apartheid in Israel (I’m utterly unconvinced), it doesn’t really help to advance a solution to the *unique* problems facing Israel either way. I’m unaware of any historical precedent for Israel’s combination: terrorists attacking civilians within its borders, neighbouring nations hoping for its destruction, a distant, powerful but cautious ally requiring oil from said neighbours, and a hostile global body… oh.. and a lack of concensus on how to deal with these problems.
I can’t believe I read the expression “sand n*****s” here. HT, that’s disgraceful. Don’t call us self-hating Jews for calling you out on that – just be reasonable and apologize. Or are you going to start talking about “bush n*****s” next? What’s wrong with you? Come on now. ‘çéìåì ä
this thing messes up Hebrew. read that backward.
Ethnically and genetically speaking, Israeli Jews are sand niggers too. If Holy Terror has contempt for her Sand Nigger neighbors, who are also her brothers and sisters, she should move back to Nashville, the world’s largest bantustan of self-hating sand niggers.
yeah, mobi, your sister’s entitled to her rather horrifying beliefs but the “sand-ni****s” thing is just beyond the pale. delete that shit… let’s not have a double standard because she’s family or bacause she’s an Arab-hater instead of a Jew-hater
and by the way mobi, thanks for the courageous post.
I suggest that you read Dennis Ross’s book and look at the maps at the back of the book. It’s just not true that what was offered were Bantustans.
No, Israel is not perfect, but it is a democracy with a free press. Arabs do have the right to vote and to speak freely. This is enought to say that Israel is not an apartheid state.
Desmond Tutu has a long history of anti-Semitic comments. His comments on Israel should be questionable.
Palestinians is municipal elections voted for Hamas which proves that the elections were not controlled by Israel.
Arab Nationalist parties and the Baathis parties in Syria and Iraq were greatest influences was National Socialsim. Jonn Brown, do you know what happened to Iraqi Jews in the 1940s? They were influenced by anti-Semitism and Nazism from the very beginning.
This site does not have an edit button. I was typing rather fast. I hope that it is understood that Arab Nationalism and the Baathist party was influenced by Nazism from the very beginning. This led to attacks and massacres of Iraqi Jews in the 1940s. Iraqi Jews and their descendent now mostly live in Israel.
Susan wrote: “Desmond Tutu has a long history of anti-Semitic comments. His comments on Israel should be questionable. ”
got any references on that ?
Tutu reference
Janine – if Tutu is so anti-semitic then why did Brandeis invite him to be their commencement speaker?
This is just so ridiculous I don’t know how to respond. Comparing Israel to South Africa is not only shamefully offensive, but seriously erroneous.
jj says tutu is antisemitic, brown challenges him to provide a source, jj does: the brown response, then why did brandeis invite him to speak. brown, are you so detached from reality that you dont understand that you arent alone: there are many antisemitic jews out there, particularly in academia, just look at the me department of columbia. and just so we make sure you read it brown, the tutu antisemitism is demonstrated by the following quote from the jj post: “South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu will be the
commencement speaker at the largely-Jewish Brandeis University on May 21,
despite the fact that he has never retracted or apologized for anti-Semitic
remarks he has made in the past. In a letter to Brandeis University
president Jehuda Reinharz, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has
called on Brandeis U. to demand that Tutu retract and apologize for his
statements, before he speaks at Brandeis, an institution founded and funded
by the American Jewish community.
Tutu has also accused American Jews of exhibiting “an
arrogance–the arrogance of power”. Tutu has complained about what he
calls “the Jewish monopoly of the Holocaust”. Tutu has charged that
Zionism has “very many parallels with racism”. Tutu has compared the
features of the ancient Temple in Jerusalem to the features of the
apartheid system, in a speech which the Jewish Community Relations Council
of Hartford, Connecticut denounced as “anti-Semitic in spirit.”
This led to attacks and massacres of Iraqi Jews in the 1940s.
Indeed. With all of the voices springing enthusiastically about the wrong-but-oh-so-daring “apartheid” smear — preposterously, Jordan calls it “courageous” (above) — one wonders whether propaganda and hate speech are becoming the standard ’round here.
I mean, can’t you just see it at University of Toronto. This week, the Arab Students Association organises Israeli Apartheid Week! Next week, Hillel organises Arab Judenraus Week! And the band plays on…
The entire “apartheid” issue is an attempt to claim, by people who know better, that “apartheid” is a neutral term describing enforced ethnic separation while knowing full well that in any reader or hearer’s mind it means “unjustified, racist and evil enforced ethnic separation”. Regarding those who truly believe that Israel is equivalent to South Africa, that the ethnic separation is comparable, and that Israel has no justification for what it does (not even enough to mitigate criticism), let them make their arguments and lose. Those who know the difference and continue to use the word “apartheid” have a lot to answer for.
But why spend time smearing Israel with apartheid? I hear Israel has lots of nationalists, and an economy largely based in socialism. National and socialist – must be something here to make hay out of.
avi wrote: “Tutu has charged that
Zionism has “very many parallels with racism””
Seems like ZOA has no clue as to the difference between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, (or is being deliberately disengenuous) which is not surprising.
The level of desperation that leads you to claim that Brandeis must be full of anti-semitic Jews is laughable.
Seems like ZOA has no clue as to the difference between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, (or is being deliberately disengenuous) which is not surprising.
Um. Avi has Tutu calling the Beit haMikdash “apartheid”, complaining about American Jews’ “arrogance of power”, and thundering about the Jewish “monopoly on the holocaust”.
Hang on a second! I never said that Tutu was anti-semitic, that was susan – I did however provide a source , because I had one to hand.
If you google “Jewish monopoly” Tutu you’ll find that the sources are questionable to say the least.
Try “arrogance of power” Tutu and the sources seem to be the same
It is worth remembering that a number of South African Jews were strongly allied to the struggle for liberation in Apartheid South Africa, and I would be incredibly surprised if Tutu harboured anti-Jewish sentiment.
jj, dont understand your retraction: your site was for real and was a legitimate source, but if it makes you feel better, here is a list of antisemites compiled by me, jews and otherwise (for proof, google their name and “jews” and see what comes up: juan cole, noam chompsky, asaf, brown, adam shapiro, steven rose, ed asner, demond tutu, cynthia mckinley, al sharpton, jessee jackson, george galloway (brt mp), the presbyterian church, serrano and waters (us congresspersons), the list stretches on: fellow jews, these are your enemies, no matter their race or religious background, they wish you ill, in some cases they wish you dead, in most cases they wish the destruction of israel.
there are close to 6 million jews in israel; almost by definition, if you are for the destruction of israel as a jewish state (e.g. you believe in a “one state” solution), or if you want to harm israel by calling for divesture, or if you damage israel in the eyes of the world by calling her a nazi state or an apratheid state or an outlaw state, you are severely harming or aiding and abetting the killing of 6 million jews (interesting number)- that makes you an anti semite whatever your racial/religious/ethnic background. all the philosophizing, academic platitudes, intellectual posturing, rebellious stances wont change that basic fact. if you dont like an israeli position, argue against that position, if you call israel a nazi state, you are harming 6 million jews, and if that isnt defined as being an antisemite, then what is?
I think the problem is in using provocative labels like ‘apartheid.’ Usually such terms are used by folks who have a preconceived negative attitude when it comes to talking about Israel. While I can sometimes be ideological and provocative in my own blog when talking about this subject, I try to avoid labels that provoke immediate hackle raising (that doesn’t mean that people’s hackles don’t get raised anyway).
There is MUCH to criticize in Israel’s record of treating its Arab citizens & the Palestinians. And yes, there are many parallels between the S. African apartheid regime’s treatment of its black citizens & Israel’s treatment of Israeli Arabs. But why draw all that baggage into the discussion. Then all we talk about is: is Israel apartheid? Is Israel as bad as S. Africa was during apartheid? Is Israel a Nazi state? That argument doesn’t go far & pretty much everyone shuts down.
But I do strongly believe in critiquing Israeli policy towards the Palestinians & discrimination against Arab Israelis.
But I do strongly believe in critiquing Israeli policy towards the Palestinians & discrimination against Arab Israelis.
Oh, we all do. But the apartheid discussion is about actively silencing that critique. It’s working.
Oh, we all do. But the apartheid discussion is about actively silencing that critique. It’s working.
It can be strongly argued that by denying the legitimacy of making the comparison, that the discussion is being shut down.
Especially if it is the victims of Apartheid who are making that comparison. They probably have some expertise on the matter.
Tutu said that, compared to the occupation, “Apartheid was a picnic.”
It isn’t something he would say lightly.
Saying that 6m Jews are going to get killed is definitely an attempt to shut down the discussion.
According to Avi its okay to make comparisons to the Holocaust but not to Apartheid.
Avi is working hard to “actively silence that critique!
And I repeat – I responded to a request for a source. I do not believe Tutu is anti-semitic – he is though a Nobel Laureate, and newsworthy. Perhaps someone can explain why his anti-semitic remarks are not recorded anywhere except on zionist sites?
Janine J, I actually said that Desmond Tutu has a long history of anti-Semitic comments. I don’t know if he his an anti-Semite or not. It is possible that he is merely misinformed.
I originally read Tutu’s comments in general readership newspapers such as the NY Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, and The Guardian. Some of these comments were made over a decade ago and therefore are not easily found on the internet. One would have to pay to receive access to archives.
It seems that many people have chosen to ignore the anti-Semitic content of Tutu’s comments. Zionist web sites are the only ones interested in keeping track of Tutu’s comments.
I think it is fair to say that criticism of Israel crosses the line into anti-Semitism when anti-Semitic stereotypes are used. It is equally unacceptable if one is referring to American Jews, Israelis, or Zionists, or all Jews.
I would like to point out that it is possible to be on the left and still disagree with Mobius. There are varied positions on the left.
Mobius, a recent poll of Palestinians and Israelis showed that both supported adopting Clinton’s final plan, the Taba agreement. I can’t be that bad for the Palestinians if a majority of them support it.
Avi can no longer respond because Mobius has banned him from Jewschool. We will miss him.
It can be strongly argued that by denying the legitimacy of making the comparison, that the discussion is being shut down. Yeah. That’d argument’d be wrong. But feel free to make it.
Especially if it is the victims of Apartheid who are making that comparison. They probably have some expertise on the matter. No — this is called “politics”, honey. Incidentally, which victims of apartheid called Israel and apartheid regime? I can’t find any record…
Tutu said that, compared to the occupation, “Apartheid was a picnic.” It isn’t something he would say lightly. Heck, it’s hard to tell if it’s even something he would say, let alone know what he meant?
According to Avi its okay to make comparisons to the Holocaust but not to Apartheid. For this morning’s “duh” moment: neither is particularly useful. Stunning, I know.
I responded to a request for a source. Sorry. Not interested, and don’t much see the relevance of Tutu’s piercing analyses of the Arab-Israeli wars, Israeli-Palestinian relations, American Jewish politics, the Daf Yomi or, really, anything else he may or may not have lectured the world abiout.
You obviously care deeply. Good on you! Then, by all means, Google away.
1. this whole site is full of anti-Semites, whether they’re jewish or just pretending to be.
2. There is nothing worse than a Jewish destroyer from within, they are worse than any Nazi.
3. It’s funny how my brother will ban people that disagree with him over other equally if not more abusive people that go according to what he believes in.
I believe my brother is weak in his convictions and that is why he feels threatened when anyone calls him out on them.
It is very sad that the so called left or Jewish left for that matter has started to resort to cliches and ad hominem attacks. Any criticism of their disproportiante criticism of Israel is met with “you people always equate anti-semitism with anti-zionism”. The fact of the matter is the only reason Amira Hass, Adam Shapiro are glorified by the PA is because they have bought the Palestinian nationalism propaganda hook line and sinker. I know its tempting to force an analogy on the situation by citing South Africa as an example. This cannot be FURTHER from the truth. The establishment of Israel is a corrective measure (just like to a certain extent affirmative action) that enables descendants of Ashkenazic (who died in the Holocaust just a couple of generations ago) and other Jews can live without ( or with less) fear. Israel, despite its problems, is a model example of a socially progressive civil society. In Israel, unlike NYC, everyone has health insurance and if someone gets hit by a car people would go help. The people who are trying to delegitimize Israel with elaborate deceptions and false analogies are not going to succeed.
I can’t stand the “if you criticize israel you’re an anti-semite” arguments. I hate lots of jews. does that make me a self-hating jew? no! it makes me an other-jew hating jew.
none of the comments i’ve read from tutu even sound that anti-semitic. “the Jewish monopoly of the Holocaust” for example is certainly a valid argument. I think the world would be a better place if we as a people devoted as much mourning to the Communists, Czechs, Greeks, Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, mentally and physically handicapped, Poles, resistance fighters, Russians, Serbs, Socialists, Spanish Republicans, trade unionists, Ukrainians, Yugoslavians, and prisoners of war who were killed in the holocaust. (source)
Okay, i guess this isn’t really a useful post, just wanted to put it out there.