Chag Sameach To All My Yiddishe Ashkeneegroze
A gut yomtov to you and yours from all of us at Jew*School.
Need to spice up your seder? Check out Bang It Out’s 2003 Seder Sidekick, a Haggadah supplement which offers outrageously decadent humor, as well as sincerely provoking Rabbinic insight into the seder’s meaning.
Hell, at least it’s more appropriate than the BDSM Haggadah.
So, do tell … what are other people doing to add some spice or update their seder?
At mine, one thing we do at the end is sing “Redemption Song” by Bob Marley. Since this is the chag about emancipation from slavery – mental, spiritual, or physical – this just seems totally appropriate.
We also add a cup for Miriam next to the cup of Elijah, but from what I hear, that’s considered “old hat” now.
well, for starters, you can check out the open source haggadah project. while it’s not fully tricked out just yet, you can find some inventive stuff there. there’s also ritualwell, an originally feminist ritual site that has recently expanded their collection of rituals to cover the bredth of jewish holiday and lifecycle events, across denomination & affiliation.
i for one will be reading bits from bang it out’s guide tonight. 😉
Bangitout! Great Link!
Keep up the good work on the OS Haggadah!
One of the most delightful Pesach sites that you’ll find is,
Uncle Eli’s
Special for-Kids Most Fun Ever Under-the-Table Passover Haggadah
Written in the style of Dr. Seuss, Uncle Eli retells the Haggadah in a familiar yet unique way:
“Why is it only on Passover night we never know how to do anything right? We don’t eat our meals in the regular ways the ways that we do on all other days…Cause on all other nights we may eat all kinds of wonderful good bready treats like big purple pizza that tastes like a pickle crumbly
crackers and pink pumpernickel…Yes — on all other nights we eat all kinds of bread but tonight of all nights we munch matzah instead.”
Though the Haggadah is available for purchase, etc. one can also find the text of it enitrely online. Go go OS Haggadah!
dr. seuss’ seder is in the bangitout haggadah too
I saw a quote from Uncle Eli’s haggadah on the bangitout site, but actually the text of the entire dr. seuss style haggadah is on the link i put in above. Also, unlike the Eli’s Haggadah site, the bangitout haggadah neglects to include a warning that the reference to “tiger on rye” should not imply that tiger is a kosher animal, which it is not. what if some silly person read the bangitout site and then ate some tiger on rye by accident? they could get sued!
chag sameach.
oy gevalt