
Egyptian State News: Talmud Orders Jews to Hate Goyim, Make ’em Into Matzahs

Those Egyptians sure love to spin some yarns. First we invented the Holocaust, and now, yes, yes… we use Chrisitan & Muslim blood in our matzahs, as we are allegedly instructed in the Talmud, which requires us to despise goyim. And both these fallacious contentions, ie. OUTRAGEOUS LIES, come from state-operated publications.

Okay… here’s a new petition: Ask the US State Department to withdraw funding to Egypt contingent on the government’s cessation of the distribution of antisemitic propaganda. $60 billion US dollars* can’t be wrong, but Colin Powell can be. And it’s not like they want our money anyway. Click here to e-mail the Department of State.

*CS Monitor understates the figures.

14 thoughts on “Egyptian State News: Talmud Orders Jews to Hate Goyim, Make ’em Into Matzahs

  1. >Chrisitan & Muslim blood in our matzahs
    I KNEW there was a reason I was supposed to dislike you guys!!! 😉
    Does anyone really buy into bunk like that? I mean really, how ignorant do you have to be to believe that junk!?! Sadly, I know people do buy into it, but where are they when you’ve got 400 acres of swampland-err, beachfront property in South Carolina to sell?
    Hey, dont feel bad, didnt you know all us Catholics are really Satan worshippers and members of the Illuminati?

  2. Wow I can’t believe that rag is their National Paper…
    Is that actually funded by the Egyption Govt?
    Scary- and yeah, that blood in the matzah thing has been going around for a loooooong time. Somehow that urban myth managed to traverse the world even before the internet. It is kind of ironic since Jewish law is SO strict about never consuming blood of any kind.
    Speaking of ignorance…
    I grew up in the midwest my brother and I were often asked by other children (in all seriousness) whether Jews had horns and wore those “beanies” to cover em up.
    More than once my brother took off his hat and let another kid touch his head to see for themselves…
    Maybe the Egyptions are still upset over the whole slave escape/10 plagues/drowning like straw at the Red Sea incident….

  3. Why in the 21st century, does the western world still accept that there are ‘backwards’, dictatorial, ‘republics’ still around?
    The war on Iraq shouldn’t have happened only because the enlightened ‘west’, and not just the ‘coalition’, should have demanded that Iraq ‘progress’.
    Why are there still ‘refugees’? Why doesn’t the UN try to solve this root problem rather than deal with the ‘refugees’ the world over?

  4. I have always felt that Egptyian blood should not be used with Matzoh, to spicy… episcapalian blood on the other hand…
    What we gotta put up with.

  5. E-mailing the DofS won’t go very far– Aid allocations are determined by Congress. We should attempt to mobilize the ADL and AIPAC, with their deep connections on the Hill. It’s a worthy cause.

  6. I’m totally on board with it; this kind of shit needs to stop. But you’d have a tough time convincing the government that funding this Egyptian government is not worth the possible Islamist government that could succeed its collapse.
    I hope you all also see the resemblance to the kind of article written by people like Daniel Pipes when they “expose” certain verses in the Koran that supposedly command all Muslims to hate and kill everyone else. It’s the same idea — the enemy population has secrets that explain their motivations, these secrets are the overriding controlling factors in their behavior, if you understand these secrets you will see that they are truly not the kind of people that can be dealt with, thus they must be killed.

  7. Sam: There’s a difference between over-emphasizing a verse that exists and simply making shit up.
    As far as the American commitment to prop up the Egyptian gov’t– well those in power there don’t want to lose out to the Islamists either, so it might require some careful diplomacy. These articles are classic examples of the gov’t throwing a bone to its public; they risk inciting more hatred for the sake of maintaining popular support rather than allowing the Islamists to be the sole beneficiary of hate rhetoric. This is pretty common in the Middle East (see: PA educating 3 year olds to call Jews “dogs,” etc).
    I think it makes sense for America to demand that Egypt work to re-educate its population (even if it is slowly) with a view towards tolerance and respect towards Jews and Israel. Egypt gets aid because they signed a peace agreement with Israel– I think it’s fair to expect them to live up to their side of the bargain (i.e. peace).

  8. Interesting and disturbing article. When I said “making shit up” I was referring to the blood libel, which is absolutely false.
    Without a doubt there is superiorist strain in contemporary Jewish thought (and I’m sure in the Talmud as well), but it is far from mainstream. On the flip side, large Arab populations are being indoctrinated by their own governments to hate Jews. I don’t think that the nuances offset each other.
    As Jews we must take responsibility for extremist and fringe Jewish positions and work our asses off to reign them in (i.e. dismantle the hilltop settlements ASAP). We must also try to fend off more strife with the Arabs by encouraging them to stop propogating hate in their mainstream media.

  9. I hate to say it, but I think that hate is becoming more mainstream in Jewish discourse today. Anytime you wish that someone didn’t exist, or you think the world would be better without them, that’s hate. And now we have polls saying that high percentages of Israelis wish the Palestinians with Israeli citizenship would leave; we have government officials wondering if maybe there is a defect in Arab genetics; we have bumper stickers that say “No Arabs, No Attacks”; we have “Death to Arabs” on walls and chanted in stadiums.
    I’m not saying that many or most Palestinians don’t hate Israelis as well. Like I said, they surely wish the Israelis would just leave. But it’s not just an Arab problem. This is why we speak of a conflict.

  10. But you’d have a tough time convincing the government that funding this Egyptian government is not worth the possible Islamist government that could succeed its collapse.
    If trying to make that point to the U.S. government, Saddam would probably be a good thing to bring up right about then … 😉
    I hope you all also see the resemblance to the kind of article written by people like Daniel Pipes when they “expose” certain verses in the Koran that supposedly command all Muslims to hate and kill everyone else.
    Which article by Daniel Pipes?

  11. Who would want to eat a matzah made out of goyim anyhow? It would probably taste like shit.
    I’ll stick to my classic unleavened bread. Blood ain’t part of the recipe.

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