This reminds me of the runway layout at Denver International Airport. It has a similar shape. It’s also has tons of conspiracy theory lore behind it. Stonecutters, aliens, nazis, coverups, underground civilizations, Bill Clinton, and more!…
it will tweak your inner tinfoil.
That’s really weird
just a coincidence,
Is that where the ark is stored away?
i dont think it was a coincidence, its possible though.
i just hope this doesnt get out to the world jewry otherwise theyll have alot to answer for
This reminds me of the runway layout at Denver International Airport. It has a similar shape. It’s also has tons of conspiracy theory lore behind it. Stonecutters, aliens, nazis, coverups, underground civilizations, Bill Clinton, and more!…
it will tweak your inner tinfoil.
for google earth users it’s at
32´40´35 and 117´09´29
Lol, that is pretty amusing. Yes I have read about the satanic/Masonic influence at DIA. That guy clearly has way too much time on his hands.