Heeb Loses PR Agent Over Passion Riff
The NY Post reports,
Susan Blond – the public relations powerhouse who is also an Orthodox Jew – has quit representing Heeb magazine because she was so offended by a 10-page photo feature mocking Mel Gibson’s controversial movie “The Passion of the Christ.” Some Jewish leaders have attacked the film, fearing it could foster anti-Semitism for showing the role Jews played in the Crucifixion. Heeb, the hip quarterly dubbed “The New Jew Review,” had used Blond to promote its launch in 2002. The magazine’s new cover announces “Back Off Braveheart” to tout a photo feature inside called “Crimes of Passion.” Editor-in-chief Josh Neuman wasn’t very forthcoming in describing the offensive photos: “It’s our interpretation of Jesus’ final hours. It’s what you’d expect from Heeb magazine.” But Blond said one photo showed a Jewish prayer shawl being used as Jesus’ loincloth and another depicted the Virgin Mary with nipple rings. Blond said she’s open-minded, “But this was too much.” Asked who will be offended, she answered: “Any Jew, any Catholic, and anyone who has any taste.” The magazine will hit newsstands Feb. 25, the same day Gibson’s epic opens.
(c/o The Plotz Lady)
just to make it clear – even though i am not necessarily a fan, i’m not happy about this development. i want all good things for the jews! it ‘s just something for Heeb content managers to think about — that is, when you’re offending the people who work for you. btw, i first read this on gawker.com.
I think there’s a fine line between funny and disrespectful and Heeb crossed it with this.
Ah, yet another way in which Heeb proves itself to be the useless, pre-pubescent, angsty publication of the Jewish-American world. In the words of Cartman, “Go to college! Get a job!”…preferably far away from print media.
media whores. subscriptions must be down.
As for Jesus wearing a Tallit as a loincloth — Chagall did it, beautifully.
As for Gibson — the idea of answering him rather than silencing him (as Foxman would do) is a good one, but any answer should be intelligent.
richard speaks the truth