HUC Touches Sensitive Area with "Vagina Monlogues"
Hebrew Union College will be presenting Eve Ensler’s controversial hit, “The Vagina Monologues”, Thursday, March 2nd and Saturday, March 4 at the HUC Mo’adon (13 R’ King David, Jerusalem). Advanced tickets can be purchased by e-mailing hucvagina at gmail dot com.
Read about Ensler’s visit to Jerusalem in 2002 for the first Israeli performance of her play here, in Haaretz.
Along with Jerusalem, HUC is putting on the show simultaneously at the New York and LA campuses.
will the j’lem one be in Hebrew? does anyone know if it’s been performed in israel before?
“hucvagina” it a hilarious email address, btw…
Vagina Monologues at HUC-JIR in NYC this Thursday!
Please come this Thursday, March 2nd to HUC-JIR (W. 4th St b/n B’way & Mercer) in our first annual production of the “Vagina Monologues.”
Hear female rabbinic, cantorial & education students celebrate the human body & speak out about violence against women.
Thursday, March 2nd
7 p.m. Reception, 7:30 p.m. Performance
Tickets: $20 ($15 with Student ID), sold at the door.
Our performance benefits Planned Parenthood of New York City, Girls Education & Mentoring Services (GEMS) & The Sh’ma Kolenu Project, a joint initiative of the New York Board of Rabbis & Jewish Women International.