
If you're making a phone call, we want to know about it

Wow. Leslie Cauley of USA TODAY reports that, beginning in late 2001, “the NSA began collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans… most of whom aren’t suspected of any crime.” According to Cauley’s sources, the goal of this program is “to create a database of every call ever made.” The full story here. Data-mining millions of Americans? Without a warrant? After we’ve been told surveillance would not be domestic? I wish Senator Spector had put Alberto Gonzeles under oath so badly right now.
crossposted @ jspot.

4 thoughts on “If you're making a phone call, we want to know about it

  1. feel comforted though… If you’re calling Aunt Sadie in Paris, they probably aren’t interested. Thank you Dick Cheney for saying my rights don’t matter, but don’t worry, because we’re “probably” not interested in what you have to say, you have nothing to fear. Those with nothing to hide have nothing to fear? please, shoot me in the face…
    First this violates a clause in the constitution as well as another federal law passed in 1978 that requires warrants. By violating these laws the American government has violated the rule of law and as such has absolutely nothing stopping it from going down the path of Orwellian totalitarianism.
    Anyone who thinks the administrations subversion of the law here is justified, just think about how you will feel when it begins to be used to track jews. Its only a few steps away from complete surveillance of everyone in the country, and once that happens, there will be discrimination abounding, that’s just the nature of it. See you all in the Gulag

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