Culture, Religion

In our mouths and in our hearts: Day 28

Today: No defects.
331. “Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and feet from it.” (Exodus 30:19) = employees must wash hands (and feet) before returning to work (in the Temple service)
332. “He shall not enter behind the curtain or come near the altar, for he has a defect.” (Leviticus 21:23) = someone with a defect may not enter the Temple or the altar
333. “Speak to Aaron and say: no one of your offspring throughout the ages who has a defect shall be qualified to offer the food of his God.” (Leviticus 21:17) = someone with a defect may not serve in the Temple
334. “No one who has a defect shall approach.” (Leviticus 21:18) = someone with even a temporary defect may not serve
335. “No outsider shall intrude upon you.” (Numbers 18:4) = a non-kohein may not serve
336. “When a person offers a sacrifice of well-being to God, for an explicit vow or as a freewill offering, from the herd or the flock, it must be without blemish.” (Leviticus 22:21) = all sacrifices must be without blemish
337. “You shall not offer anything that has a defect, for it will not be accepted in your favor.” (Leviticus 22:20) = don’t sanctify an animal with a defect for the altar
338. “Anything blind, or injured, or maimed, or with a wen, boil-scar, or scurvy — such you shall not offer to God.” (Leviticus 22:22) = don’t slaughter an animal with a defect
339. “You shall not offer to God anything bruised or crushed or torn or cut.” (Leviticus 22:24) = don’t throw the blood of an animal with a defect on the altar
340. “You shall not put any of them on the altar as offerings by fire to God.” (Leviticus 22:22) = don’t offer the fat of an animal with a defect on the altar
341. “You shall not sacrifice to Adonai your God an ox or a sheep that has any defect of any bad thing, for that is abhorrent to Adonai your God.” (Deuteronomy 17:1) = don’t offer an animal with a temporary defect
342. “You shall not offer such from a foreigner as food for your God, for they are mutilated; they have a defect.” (Leviticus 22:25) = don’t offer an animal with a defect even if it comes from non-Jews
343. “There must be no defect in it.” (Leviticus 22:21) = don’t create a defect in a sanctified animal
344. “When you desire, you may slaughter and eat meat in any of your settlements, according to the blessing that Adonai your God has granted you.” (Deuteronomy 12:15) = if an animal becomes invalidated for sacrifice, it should be redeemed, and it can be eaten normally while another animal is purchased in its place
345. “When an ox or a sheep or a goat is born, it shall stay 7 days with its mother, and from the 8th day on it shall be acceptable as an offering by fire to God.” (Leviticus 22:27) = only offer animals that are at least 8 days old

2 thoughts on “In our mouths and in our hearts: Day 28

  1. re#345.
    from my post you can vote for:

    The Torah teaches what’s known as kashrut/The Dietary Laws in three texts:
    * The Prohibition of Seething a Kid in its mother’s milk (Exodus 23:19, 34:26, Deut 14:21)
    * The Types of animals permitted or forbidden to eat (Lev 11:1-47, Deut 14:3-21).
    * The prohibition of eating blood (Deut 12:13-25, Lev 17:10-14, this parshah). It includes that the animals must be killed at the neck (Schehitah ùçéèä)to be kosher.
    o Calf must stay seven days with mother and can’t be killed on same day as its parent.(Lev 22:26-28)
    o Send away a mother bird from the nest (Deut. 22:6)

    It’s interesting that now the only meat you can really find is glatt, and when people ask what kashrut it, you may say it’s eating kosher animals, not mixing milk and meat, and removing the blood. But we, at least I, always forget to mention the last two in the blockquote: #345 and sending away the mother bird. They seem pretty important too, no?

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