Inconsistent Much?
A top Shiite cleric on Saturday urged Kuwait to let Mel Gibson’s controversial film “The Passion of the Christ,” be shown in this conservative Muslim state because it “reveals crimes committed by Jews against Christ.”
There’s just one problem with all this: If we killed Jesus then that means there was a temple atop Al-Haram al-Sharif. Oops! (c/o my mom)
They don’t dispute that, only Mohemmed’s jumping point.
arafat consistently denies that the temple ever stood there
Mobius, clearly ya a nice Jewish boy…ya spoke with mudder tahday. dat’s de important thing.
Besides, the Arabs have never had a problem contridicting themselves. The amazing thing is that people still listen to them.
“the arabs”? feh. i would hardly reduce some shiite jackass in kuwait to “the arabs”.
arafat is a schmuck, but then again is so the israeli prime minister. neither side of the conflict wants peace. They both want all or nothing and pointless deaths are only to come of it.