Innovators: Put up or Shut Up
Awright agitators, scholars, big talkers, idea people, and loud-mouths, here’s your chance.
Charles Bronfman has put up $1.5 million dollars for a visiting scholar’s position at Brandeis. It’s a 2-year appointment, during which the chosen candidate will have lots of resources to put toward assembling a scholarly-innovative-creative-communally-concerned project of some serious gravity.
It’s modeled on a competition from 1929, sponsored by Sears Roebuck Chairman Julius Rosenwald, who threw a similar contest for $10,000. The winner in 1929? wait for it….. Mordechai Kaplan’s Judaism as Civilization.
God willing, this endeavor will encourage something more readable and as weighty (in terms of ideas, not physical mass).
For full details, check here
So is anyone here entering? I’m not sure I want to move to Boston.