Israel Activism 101
In the wake of Israel’s colossal blunder, how can its supporters help defuse the escalating tensions? Maybe, say, apologize for the deaths, work to reverse Israel’s near-total international isolation, and rethink the wisdom of a French fry embargo on Gaza? Or, alternatively, maybe they should stage triumphalist rallies at Turkish consulates while Turkey buries its dead, thus helping push Israel closer to the brink of war?
Which route do you think Israel’s self-proclaimed “defenders” are choosing?
As it says in the Talmud, EV, the only good Turk is a dead Turk.
Paul Krugman and others have pointed out that the Bush administration’s response (or lack thereof) to Hurricane Katrina wasn’t simple incompetence, but actually strengthened the worldview that they were trying to promote: “Government doesn’t work”.
Similarly, when the worldview you’re trying to promote is “The whole world is against Israel”…
Of course the Talmud was written before there were Ottomans/Turks in Anatolia. They came from central Asia, and would have been unknown by the writers of the Talmud.
Thank you SO MUCH, Dave Boxthorn.
Or, maybe they should endorse that Israel does this.
Why should Israel….”apologize” for the deaths of assailants who attacked Israeli sailors?
boy is that outstretched arm in the opening shot unfortunate.
We con the world on You Tube says all that needs to be said.
My favorite of all: Now that Turkey has ceased to be Israel’s only ally in the ME, ALL of Turkey’s past crimes (and many they are), from the Armenian Genocide to Northern Cyprus, matter all of a sudden.