
Israel Says "Peace Out" To Gaza

The Washington Post reports,

The last Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip left Monday morning, officially ending Israel’s nearly four-decade presence here and marking the start of the Palestinians’ most ambitious attempt at self-rule.

Palestinians celebrated their new-found self-rule by launching rockets into Israel, torching remaining synagogues, and raiding the Egyptian border. Lord only knows what comes next.
Is there an emoticon for shaking one’s head?
(Photo c/o JTA)
[Update] Steven I. Weiss writes,

[These] comments, and those of the many who’ve chimed in privately, suggest that Jews should somehow be upset about this. But synagogues stripped of their holy articles (Torah scrolls, prayer books and other ritual elements and decorations) are pretty much just buildings, according to seemingly all of Jewish tradition up until the last couple of weeks.
As Bartholomew deftly summarized, the debate that developed seemed to center more on a way to develop not an image of Israel destroying synagogues, but of just what we’re seeing now: Palestinians destroying them in graphic-appropriate fashion.
Now, these are great images, and they can be put to great use in furthering the political agendas of all who want to put down Palestinans or Muslims or whomever else in favor of Jews or Westerners or whomever else, but they’re not religiously relevant, and they’re only politically relevant for those seeking to make a fundamentally false point.

While I believe Steven’s correct about it being a propaganda tactic on Israel’s part, that doesn’t make it any less awful or tragic to see a shul once thriving with families and echoing with tefillah burned to the ground. Whether Israel does it or the Palestinians do it, it’s a horrifying sight and something that should never be stomached without at the very least a ceremonial wince.

3 thoughts on “Israel Says "Peace Out" To Gaza

  1. Except for one building, the rest have nothing that architecturally distinguishes them as Jewish, now that the furnishings have been removed.
    They would make great community centers, or school auditoriums, or… a host of other positive things.
    This whole episode shows the barbarity and unbridled violence of the Palestinians.

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