Funny thing. I recently created a site to help people find Jewish activity buddies. When mentioning it to friends, the most frequent comment by frum people was, “Would I be able to find someone to hook up with?”
It didn’t take long before someone posted a category for ‘Sex’ under the activities. Though this was done by someone who wasn’t relig.
I wonder if frumster has something similar to JDate’s “I speak Vietnamese…”
I wonder it its worse to have for a jew to have sex with a lot of other jews, or with goyim, or it’s the same? I can’t remember which sex deserves death from our ‘primitive’ bible.
Just learnt in the talmud, masechet shabat page 106a that the daughter of a kohen caught in adultery gets sentenced to be ‘burned’. Burned being pouring molten lead down her throat. Ouch.
josh — only if two people confront her before she engages in the act, explicity warn her that she will face that precise punishment, hear her openly declare her defiance of the law, witness her engage in the act, and then testify against her before the sanhedrin, will that death penalty actually be carried out.
in other words, the chances are slim to none.
two things:
1- so i was reading up on “the matzo ball” on christmas eve – cool idea, but its on shabbat ?!? i am not saying that i am completely opposed to it, but part of me wonders if it does not defeat the purpse of having a jewish singles event (in order for jews to meet jews, date jews, get drunk and sleep with other jews, etc in order to (down the line) preserve jewish tradition and judaism) if it is on shabbat? what is the point of prioritizing jewish dating if you are going against judaism in the process? i know i know, there are ways to live a jewish life and still live in the real world (go out on friday night or reclaim christmas eve or whatnot), but i just wanted to throw it out there. i am not so frum myself, so i dont mean to be condescending, just wanted to share my random thought. minimally, it is ironic.
2- someone once told me that it is better for someone jewish to have premaritial sex with someone not jewish b/c then you are not forcing someone else who is jewish to violate not having premaritial sex; but i would like to pose that it might make more sense for someone who is jewish (who wants to live a jewish life or raise jewish children) to have premarital sex with someone jewish in case one of the people involved gets pregnant? personally, i dont think judaism actually prohibits premaritial sex. incest, maybe. but, for the record, i also dont think judaism is against homosexuality (the guy who spilled seed and was struck down by god also murdered someone! i know i know, it is written in the torah that “a man shall not lie with a man as he lies with a woman, it is an averah (prohibition)” but i dont agree. i htink there is more to the story. anyways, my two cents. do with it what you will.
peace out. yo.
it’s prohibited to have sex with a non-jew, and it’s prohibited to have sex out of wedlock. if you have sex out of wedlock with a jew, you’ve violated one commandment. if you have sex out of wedlock with a non-jew, you’ve violated two commandments.
im not bending the rules, i am examining the roots of them in order to understand what they really mean and not just reinforce racist or prejudiced or hateful (not to mention patriartichal) belief systems that were prominent during the time these laws were made
Sam, the word is ‘to-evah’, ‘abomination’, not ‘aveira’, or prohibition (Vayikra, 16:22). That’s actually a pretty significant difference. I’m glad that you can reinterpret it in a way that is comforting to you, but… i’ve never heard a convincing orthodox argument for it, and i’ve been hoping and trying to find one for some time.
PS- wonderfull artscroll quote on Vayikra 16:22-23 in their Tanach: “The harshness with which the Torah describes these perversions testifies to the repugnance in which G-d holds their practitioners.
Sam, the word is ‘to-evah’, ‘abomination’, not ‘aveira’, or prohibition (Vayikra, 16:22). That’s actually a pretty significant difference. I’m glad that you can reinterpret it in a way that is comforting to you, but… i’ve never heard a convincing orthodox argument for it, and i’ve been hoping and trying to find one for some time.
PS- wonderfull artscroll quote on Vayikra 16:22-23 in their Tanach: “The harshness with which the Torah describes these perversions testifies to the repugnance in which G-d holds their practitioners.
Here’s the scoop on the homosexuality prohibition. Why doesn’t anyone ever *look* into the sources??
The majority of commentators and halakhists through the ages agree that the line in Lev. is prohibitting male-on-male anal intercourse. The Torah (which traditional Jews of course consider divine[ly-inspired] legislation, says NOTHING ELSE. So since the Torah sets up plenty of rules about how straight people can have sex, what’s the big deal with acknowledging that the Torah can prohibit one way for gay men to have sex (Lesbians are off the hook, apparently).
A textual seurvey shows that the term “toevah” is usually referring to ritualistic taboos, and not moral ones – check out the Egyptian’s “toevah” against eating at the same table wiith foreigners, attested in recent parshiot.
Of course, any sensitive Jew much also realized that the queer community within the Jewish people has been sorely abused halakhically by the erroneous exegesis of this prohibiton by our wise sages who unfortunately had NO idea that homosexuality existed at all – check out the midrash (tanchuma?)’s assertion that “For everything God prohibitted, he permitted an equal substitute….[examples from kashrut, etc.]… Mishkav Zakhar (gay anal) is prohibitted, but Biah Shelo Kedarka (straight anal) with one’s wife is permitted!” — Apparently homosexuality is an ass-fetish which can be satisfied with women just as satisfactorily?? Chazal, god bless them, did not know what they were talking about, because they had no understanding of homosexuality — and therefore *could not have legitimately* ruled on they issue as they did (prohibitting gay sex other than anal, not creating a framework for queer marriage to parallel the one they created for straight marriage (shomer homo-negiah anyone?), prohibiting lesbian activities, etc.).
For my Orthodox community, we’ll probbaly have to wait til the Messiah arrives to clear up this problem (like Kitniyot on Pesach for Ashkenazim, lehavdil) but it shouldn’t be such a big deal for our brothers and sisters in more liberal sects.
Hey in the interests of truth, I recently discovered after research that what I was quoting was actually an acharon’s Extension of the midrash tanchuma’s line of reasoning regarding Kosher foods. I could quote other, real sources to prove my point but it’s a 4 month old post that nobody’s responded to 🙂
‘Sex with a lot of Jewish girls’? You wish…
[I see a new Jewschool t-shirt: jdate girls are easy]
This is yet another example of the utter lack of respect of the Jewish heritage by Mobius. It’s funny that this guy calls himself Orthodox.
Jewish heritage – are you referring to JDate or Frumster?
Asaf, How’s that Kant paper going?
ah, ok i guess.
Funny thing. I recently created a site to help people find Jewish activity buddies. When mentioning it to friends, the most frequent comment by frum people was, “Would I be able to find someone to hook up with?”
It didn’t take long before someone posted a category for ‘Sex’ under the activities. Though this was done by someone who wasn’t relig.
I wonder if frumster has something similar to JDate’s “I speak Vietnamese…”
I wonder it its worse to have for a jew to have sex with a lot of other jews, or with goyim, or it’s the same? I can’t remember which sex deserves death from our ‘primitive’ bible.
Just learnt in the talmud, masechet shabat page 106a that the daughter of a kohen caught in adultery gets sentenced to be ‘burned’. Burned being pouring molten lead down her throat. Ouch.
josh — only if two people confront her before she engages in the act, explicity warn her that she will face that precise punishment, hear her openly declare her defiance of the law, witness her engage in the act, and then testify against her before the sanhedrin, will that death penalty actually be carried out.
in other words, the chances are slim to none.
two things:
1- so i was reading up on “the matzo ball” on christmas eve – cool idea, but its on shabbat ?!? i am not saying that i am completely opposed to it, but part of me wonders if it does not defeat the purpse of having a jewish singles event (in order for jews to meet jews, date jews, get drunk and sleep with other jews, etc in order to (down the line) preserve jewish tradition and judaism) if it is on shabbat? what is the point of prioritizing jewish dating if you are going against judaism in the process? i know i know, there are ways to live a jewish life and still live in the real world (go out on friday night or reclaim christmas eve or whatnot), but i just wanted to throw it out there. i am not so frum myself, so i dont mean to be condescending, just wanted to share my random thought. minimally, it is ironic.
2- someone once told me that it is better for someone jewish to have premaritial sex with someone not jewish b/c then you are not forcing someone else who is jewish to violate not having premaritial sex; but i would like to pose that it might make more sense for someone who is jewish (who wants to live a jewish life or raise jewish children) to have premarital sex with someone jewish in case one of the people involved gets pregnant? personally, i dont think judaism actually prohibits premaritial sex. incest, maybe. but, for the record, i also dont think judaism is against homosexuality (the guy who spilled seed and was struck down by god also murdered someone! i know i know, it is written in the torah that “a man shall not lie with a man as he lies with a woman, it is an averah (prohibition)” but i dont agree. i htink there is more to the story. anyways, my two cents. do with it what you will.
peace out. yo.
sam, you can bend the rules all you want in order to make things more convenient for you. That doesn’t mean it’s right.
it’s prohibited to have sex with a non-jew, and it’s prohibited to have sex out of wedlock. if you have sex out of wedlock with a jew, you’ve violated one commandment. if you have sex out of wedlock with a non-jew, you’ve violated two commandments.
Please remind me. What commandment are you violating, when you have sex out of wedlock? Which is worse: unwedded sex or masturbation?
im not bending the rules, i am examining the roots of them in order to understand what they really mean and not just reinforce racist or prejudiced or hateful (not to mention patriartichal) belief systems that were prominent during the time these laws were made
Hey there are too many big words here for me to understand. 🙂
Very funny! And oh so true
Sam, the word is ‘to-evah’, ‘abomination’, not ‘aveira’, or prohibition (Vayikra, 16:22). That’s actually a pretty significant difference. I’m glad that you can reinterpret it in a way that is comforting to you, but… i’ve never heard a convincing orthodox argument for it, and i’ve been hoping and trying to find one for some time.
PS- wonderfull artscroll quote on Vayikra 16:22-23 in their Tanach: “The harshness with which the Torah describes these perversions testifies to the repugnance in which G-d holds their practitioners.
Sam, the word is ‘to-evah’, ‘abomination’, not ‘aveira’, or prohibition (Vayikra, 16:22). That’s actually a pretty significant difference. I’m glad that you can reinterpret it in a way that is comforting to you, but… i’ve never heard a convincing orthodox argument for it, and i’ve been hoping and trying to find one for some time.
PS- wonderfull artscroll quote on Vayikra 16:22-23 in their Tanach: “The harshness with which the Torah describes these perversions testifies to the repugnance in which G-d holds their practitioners.
damn, sorry for sending that twice
show me where sex out of wedlock was ever forbidden.
Here’s the scoop on the homosexuality prohibition. Why doesn’t anyone ever *look* into the sources??
The majority of commentators and halakhists through the ages agree that the line in Lev. is prohibitting male-on-male anal intercourse. The Torah (which traditional Jews of course consider divine[ly-inspired] legislation, says NOTHING ELSE. So since the Torah sets up plenty of rules about how straight people can have sex, what’s the big deal with acknowledging that the Torah can prohibit one way for gay men to have sex (Lesbians are off the hook, apparently).
A textual seurvey shows that the term “toevah” is usually referring to ritualistic taboos, and not moral ones – check out the Egyptian’s “toevah” against eating at the same table wiith foreigners, attested in recent parshiot.
Of course, any sensitive Jew much also realized that the queer community within the Jewish people has been sorely abused halakhically by the erroneous exegesis of this prohibiton by our wise sages who unfortunately had NO idea that homosexuality existed at all – check out the midrash (tanchuma?)’s assertion that “For everything God prohibitted, he permitted an equal substitute….[examples from kashrut, etc.]… Mishkav Zakhar (gay anal) is prohibitted, but Biah Shelo Kedarka (straight anal) with one’s wife is permitted!” — Apparently homosexuality is an ass-fetish which can be satisfied with women just as satisfactorily?? Chazal, god bless them, did not know what they were talking about, because they had no understanding of homosexuality — and therefore *could not have legitimately* ruled on they issue as they did (prohibitting gay sex other than anal, not creating a framework for queer marriage to parallel the one they created for straight marriage (shomer homo-negiah anyone?), prohibiting lesbian activities, etc.).
For my Orthodox community, we’ll probbaly have to wait til the Messiah arrives to clear up this problem (like Kitniyot on Pesach for Ashkenazim, lehavdil) but it shouldn’t be such a big deal for our brothers and sisters in more liberal sects.
Hey in the interests of truth, I recently discovered after research that what I was quoting was actually an acharon’s Extension of the midrash tanchuma’s line of reasoning regarding Kosher foods. I could quote other, real sources to prove my point but it’s a 4 month old post that nobody’s responded to 🙂