Kushner Takes Center Stage
Let the press blitz begin…
While Mr. Kushner sees “Angels” as his “response to the Reagan counterrevolution, which began in response to the great cultural revolution of the 1960’s,” he is confident that it will resonate with today’s audiences. “Reaganism is still alive and kicking, and doing dreadful damage,” he says. “The apocalypse the play anticipates in its darker moments is both metaphoric and real. The world is hotter than it was when I wrote the play. It’s crazier. The trouble we’re in is, if anything, worse.”
Wrestling with Zion editor Tony Kushner’s new television adaptation of his play Angels in America debuts next Sunday on HBO, and the massive media coverage has begun… Here’s The NY Times and The Chicago Tribune on the subject, as well as The SF Gate, The Boston Globe, and Newsweek.