LimmmudNY tomorrow!!!!!
Tomorrow afternoon, G!d willing, I’ll be making my way to the Friar Tuck Convention Center in Catskill, NY for the sold-out LimmudNY conference (my second). The schedule is jam-packed with goodness, (see previous posts for details), but I’d imagine there’ll be a few moments for some live blogging. Check back over the weekend.
If you’re coming, leave us a comment, and let us know what you’re the most excited about. If you’d like to guest post from the conference, come find me (tall-ish, big beard, gray kippah with green stripe).
This year’s conference is taking place at the Robin Hood-themed Friar Tuck Convention Center. It was pointed out to me today that the Limmud conference in England takes place in Nottingham. Coincidence? Divine providence?   There’s a dvar in there about the little guy revitalizing Judaism, wrestling away the joy from the big institutions and redistributing it to the yidden, but I don’t have time to write it.
See you there!
Woot! I can’t wait!
I’ll be there. I’m mostly excited about the learning, but two weeks in New Orleans has put me in some real good-tfilla-b’tzibur-withdrawal.
Knucklehead and I will be looking forward to reading the live blogs… sorry we won’t be there.
are any of the concerts open for folks who are not registered?
I can’t wait!! See y’all there!