L'Shana Tova
From all of us at Jewschool, to all of you, may you have a happy, healthy, and incredibly sweet new year! May you be inscribed in the book of life! (Hey, wait a minute — How come God gets to write on yuntiff?)
Anywho, here’s an oldie but goodie.
Whats “yuntiff”?
“What’s ‘yuntiff’?”
It’s Yiddish for “holy day” (from the Hebrew “yom tov,” literally, “good day”).
Shana Tova!
Gut yuntiff, y’all.
shania Twain to you too!
Well then, in the Jewish language, happy “yuntiff” to all!
Hello 🙂 I love this site ! I have never seen one like it !
L’shanah tovah