Moishe House Brooklyn looking for a couple roommates
Do we need a Moishe House in Brooklyn? There seems to be no shortage of young community options, but there’s one in formation to serve the Park Slope, Fort Greene, and Boerum Hill areas. Join them on Facebook and they’re still looking for a couple more residents, so find them here.
Oh, and Bay Ridge called to say Park Slope isn’t “South Brooklyn”!
Seriously, if Fort Greene is “South Brooklyn”, then what’s “north”? Just Williamsburg?
@BZ, I don’t think Fort Greene really counts as South Brooklyn, but the other neighborhoods just south of it (including Boerum Hill, Cobble Hill, Park Slope, etc.) are. And Bay Ridge is southern Brooklyn. “South Brooklyn” is an old name for the neighborhoods that were once south of the City of Brooklyn:
Wow, who knew. I stand corrected. I guess the people I know/knew in Sunset Park and Bay Ridge were misusing the term (though not as badly as the YU people who think Washington Heights is “Spanish Harlem”!!!).
I live in South Silver Spring, and there’s no room for confusion there – if I were any further south, I’d be in DC.
I read an article by some resident of a “Hoboken” MH that asked questions about community building people might find interesting.