
Neo-Nazi Band To Play Tel Aviv?

According to Israel’s IMC,

On October 9th 2004 the “Bunker Nights Festival Part 1” is supposed to take place at the night club “Kosmonaut” in Tel Aviv.

One of the acts that has been announced to perform at this event is the Austrian neo-Nazi band “Der Blutharsch”. “Der Blutharsch” (a synonym for “dried blood”) is an Austrian white power music act headed by Albin Julius which was founded in 1997 with the assistance of the leader of another (better known) neo-Nazi band called “Death in June”, Douglass Pierce. “Der Blutharsch” takes great pride in their use of fascist symbols, and is well known for its use of Nazi imagery. “Der Blutharsch” attracts neo-Nazi’s and right wing extremists across Europe.

The only thing is, according to this story in The Chicago Sun-Times (relating to a similarly questionable appearance by the group last year), despite their large skinhead following, Der Blutharsch aren’t actually neo-Nazis at all. Uh huh. They’ve just kind of got a thing for Nazi-chic. Uh, yeah… like a really big thing for Nazi chic! Frickin’ scumbags!

Who do they think they are, Pink Floyd in The Wall? Or are they really just a bunch of Nazi fuckwads passing themselves off as art-rock?

[Update] JPost reports that the show has been postponed.

9 thoughts on “Neo-Nazi Band To Play Tel Aviv?

  1. If they really where “nazi fuckwads”, do you think they would want to perform in your silly quasi-fascist country? Being nazi & being provocative for other reasons is two completely different issues. I am NOT a nazi. But just because tragic things have happened in the past, it doesnt give you (Mobius) the right to heckle people for their thoughts & opinions. Im pretty sure that you where taught & drilled to hate people when you was a infant, but chill the fuck down.
    Shalom, motherfucker..

  2. I have one suggestion, study your enemies hard before you judge them, maybe the symbols have deeper meaning than it seems?
    His name is Mr Douglas Pearce by the way.

  3. I stumbled upon this site after googling ‘are death in june nazi’. The reason for this is that a friend told me i would love them but that their imagery is controversial (i have a german – jewish background).
    Anyway I listened to them and my friend was right, really beautiful…. and a bit wrong.
    Thankfully I found info on them… Crisis, A LEFT WING ANTI FASCIST band from which death in june was formed. Also on the Official DIJ website, there is an image of the isreali flag along with one the european union, a rainbow flag perhaps suggesting they are gay friendly ect.
    So ..even if they romanticise nazi imagery wich may be extremely offensive to some people, other acts such as Joy Division and Gary Newman did this too.
    The control, fashion and mass hysteria of nazi times will always fascinate aswell as offend. Even if bands parody this imagery or use it to evoke darkness and social criticism, forcing people to remember that we are all good and evil. and that man kind is largely fucked and that we are all brainwashed to some extent. sorry im going on a rampage.

  4. Dear Nadia,
    I djust like to set the record straight that Joy Division never dressed or performed to romantisize nazi imagery. Thats a load of codswallop.
    Yours Frowningly,
    Hajii Sheikh Alam Ahmed

  5. Actually, Joy Division were once notorious for their Nazi references and imagery. The band first recorded under the name “Warsaw” and later took the name “Joy Division” from writer Ka-Tzetnik’s book “The House of Dolls” which described sexual slavery in Nazi concentration camps (Warsaw/Joy Division sang about the House of Dolls in their early song, “No Love Lost”). The Joy Division was the section of the camp where Jewish women were forced to have sex with SS officers. Moreover, the first cover for Joy Division’s 1978 single “An Ideal for Living” featured not only their new name rendered in heavy Germanic typeface, but also an image of what appeared to be a Hitler Youth (although no swastika appears) beating a large drum. Not surprisingly, the band took a lot of heat for the artistic choices they were making, and the whole question over whether or not JD were a “fascist band” was once again raised after Ian Curtis’s suicide when the surviving band members chose another deliberately provocative, Nazi-inflected name: New Order.
    Of course none of this makes them fascistic or Neo-Nazi, but like Death in June, Joy Division absolutely did find inspiration/fascination in Nazi imagery.

  6. I am a Joy Division fan and I certainly don’t entertain the idea that JD were a pro-nazi/fascist band. It is true that some skinheads and British Fascists did go to some of their concerts purely on the basis that they believed they were seeing a nazi supporting band. Britain did have a growing fascist problem in the late 70’s/early 80’s so supporters of fascism were commonplace! I’m just glad we don’t give news coverage to the BNP! If only we can get rid of the conservative party we can all live in peace!
    Keep Britain Left
    Smash The Nazis
    Ps – I love Frank Zappa and Seinfeld. Oy!

  7. Death In June are by no means a nazi band, Douglas Pearce is openly gay and has worked with several jewish artists, also, as other people have pointed out, he was in an anti nazi band before death in june
    hardly the profile of a diehard nazi is it?

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