
New bastion of anti-Semitism — Native Canadians?

Who knew that Canada’s Indians (that would be Native Canadians? Native Americans… in the larger sense of the Americas?) are a bastion of Jew-hating types? Well, if you didn’t know before just take a gander at the remarks of Manitoba First Nations chief Terrance Nelson.
In a recent fax, he alleges “Jewish-controlled media ignore aboriginal struggles, and instead focus criticism on David Ahenakew during his hate trial.” Ahenakew, another ummm… Canadian aboriginal, is on trial for calling Jews “a disease” and suggesting the Holocaust was all good.
Yeah, we just hate it when an anti-Semite is defended by another anti-Semite, but man does it make for good news copy. So thank you Chief Nelson. We at the Central Headquarters of the Jewish World Media Conspiracy couldn’t sell nearly as many newspapers without you, and you’re really helping with our efforts to expand the business into the nether regions of Canada.

16 thoughts on “New bastion of anti-Semitism — Native Canadians?

  1. Bradford,
    How are they a “bastion”? You have sited one dude. I’m sure I could site some folks in the far reachest of Timuctou and find that they don’t like Jews. Who gives a fuck? Way more people in Canada don’t like Native Canadians. I think the record proves that http://www.nexusmagazine.com/a… They are still having standoffs due to land disputes http://www.turtleisland.org/ne… I know several native Canadians and they are some of the best people I have known.
    I am far less scared with people of color and their Jewish question, then rich white liberal folks holding ANSWER signs. In the end, these people are an alli of the Jewish people because they have faced genocide and murder. In fact, Adolf Hitler was directly inspired by the policies of manifest destiny.
    So please, don’t generalize whole groups of people. Its stupid. And it just don’t make sense.

  2. “…Way more people in Canada don’t like Native Canadians. I think the record proves that http://www.nexusmagazine.com/a… They are still having standoffs due to land disputes….”
    Hey! Great idea, we can give the people at ISM and other morons.. I mean organizations a new place to Kvetch!! They probably enjoy Israel more for the weather but we can try to make it enticing

  3. DiGiTaL,
    I agree with you so much. Even if you are being sarcastic.
    I was trying to tell that fucker Marsden to do the same. AS opposed to hating Israel, change the situation where he is in Canada. BUt NO, that would actually challenge their lifestyle and decadence. Those folks really get to me. Who gives a fuck what they think anyway?

  4. Interestingly, while the Ahenakew story was broadcast everywhere, I haven’t seen this story reported anywhere in the Canadian media except in the Edmonton Sun link you provided.

  5. I haven’t seen this story reported anywhere in the Canadian media except in the Edmonton Sun link you provided.
    CBC, Globe and Mail (1, 2). And, of course, with Edmonton Sun, all of the CanWest chain papers — National Post, Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen, Vancouver Sun, etc.
    See also statement by the Assembly of First Nations (National Post; interesting coverage on the Aboriginal Daily News blog.

  6. Oh well. I must have missed them in my haste to avoid all those oh-so-important articles on Charlie & Camilla and the dimensions of the Pope’s casket. Will look through the recycling to find the articles. Thanks, 8opus

  7. as an Aboriginal person with many Jewish friends, i absolutely disagree with the comments made by a few Aboriginal leaders with respect to Jewish people. Rather then trying to see our differences, I understand that Jewish people and First Nations have common historical issues of injustic and unresolved grief. Some of these leaders were raised as racist and taught this by the Residential schools and through the Canadian war effort that many Aboriginal people participated in… such as Ahenakew…

  8. true daniel rosen – black africans in south africa, jews in nazi europe and native people in americas all suffered under a similiar policy of genocide and apatheid.

  9. The Red Man’s Burden….?
    According to the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith’s 2004 audit of anti-semitic attacks in Canada, media coverage of [Mel] Gibson’s film [The Passion of the Christ] – and its apparent suggestion that the role of Jews in the crucifixion should be emphasised over that of the Romans – led to an upsurge in attacks against the Canadian Jewish community….
    The audit recorded 32 “incidents which had religious connotations to the story of Jesus’s death” in 2004, up dramatically from the nine recorded in 2003. Of the 2004 incidents, nine were recorded during the time of the film’s opening in February, and a further 15 in the three months following its release.
    The incidents cited by the audit ranged from a phone call to a Jewish organisation in which the caller said, “We don’t need Mel Gibson’s film to hate you!” to a minister alleging that there was a “Jewish plot for world control” on TV.

  10. These are “incidents”? These incidents, if they are to be believed, actually include admission of already-present craziness (“we don’t need Mel”)!! This is exactly the kind of crap that smelled rotten in Denmark to us when we first ran across this kind of thinking.
    You know what a black person’s idea of an “incident” is? Getting the living shit beaten out of him by a cop. Going to prison at any time for nothing. But drop everything, someone who admits he was crazy before Mel is making a phone call.
    Seriously, what are we supposed to do with this, even if we buy it? You do know that the ADL tried this same garbage for that other pogrom-launching passion play, Jesus Christ Superstar, right?

  11. (Their “incident” following JCS was a woman making an unbelievable remark during an attempt to cut in line at a supermarket. It’s in the older “the New Anti-Semitism.”)

  12. stories about anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic expression among some leaders of Canada’s First Nation tribes were in the news over the last couple of years, so this sadly isn’t only a recent phenomenon.

  13. Native Americans–excuse me, First Nations People–are just normal human beings and are subject to the same foibles, follies,
    and idiotsyncracies as other normal human beings, bigotry and
    prejudice being one of them. Bigotry and prejudice are
    universal; most humans have an “us versus them” mentality and
    First Nations humans are no different, no better, and no worse
    than any other group of humans in this respect. Fortunately,
    the proportion of haters in ALL human groups is small; they
    just make a lot of noise way out of proportion to their numbers.
    Many are just publicity seekers and we should not give them the
    attention they don’t deserve.

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