NY Food Justice Seder!
Hey Chevre, really great event coming up that you might want to check out if you’re in the New York Area.
The event will feature:
Opportunities to connect with inspiring food justice campaigns;
Space for conversation connecting the Seder themes to food justice;
Re-imagined rituals to highlight food justice issues;
Delicious, Tav HaYosher certified food;
Readings from Uri L’Tzedek’s newly released Food and Justice Haggadah Supplement;
Cost: $18. This is a 21+ event.
Time: Sunday, April 10 · 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: 274 Garfield Place, Brooklyn
To RSVP: Visit http://www.pursueaction.org/food-justice-seder/.
This event is brought to you by Pursue, Uri L’Tzedek, and Hazon and is co-sponsored by Congregation Beth Elohim / Brooklyn Jews.
Sometimes you make things too easy.
A ‘food justice’ seder with:
No reduced charge for the unwaged? No PWYC?
No food drive? Your typical super-materialistic suburban event would have that.
21+? Why? And who’s going to look after the kids at home? (Hint: someone not making minimum wage.)
I at least expected the words ‘organic’ or ‘100 mile’.