On a whim…
Yeah, I’m moving Saturday night. I should be packing. Yet somehow instead I decided to redesign Jewschool. Hey, at least we got individual post pages now with the comments appended. (Click “link” on a post’s byline to see what I mean.) Also note, the archive index now appears at the bottom of the page.
great new look! have a good trip.
Very nice. Clean and open. Good work.
Safe travels, brethren.
Latcho Drom, Mo! And nice work on the site.
I liiiike this… good job mo.
enjoy israel. dont forget to remind to me to give you some contacts.
What a day for redesigns…coincidence?
check out the new lilly pad in honor of my blog-versary.
Sorry Mo, I’m voting against…Can’t say I’m a fan of the pink and the massive white background just hurts the eyes. Surely you know about web design and empirical usability studies right? The layout is fine, it’s just the coloring that needs work, IMHO. But the new banner at the top is great (except the pink).
Nice design, but like Solomyr said, I ain’t feelin’ the pink, son.
Totally rad new duds, dudes. Putting the “chool” back in Jewschool…