O'Reilly on the Jews
From MediaMatters.org and AlterNet:
O’REILLY: You have a very big split in the Jewish-American community. You got a lot of Jewish liberals, a lot of Jewish far-left people, who basically feel that, you know, you don’t have a right to go after terrorists because it’s our fault, the United States’ fault. And some say it’s Israel’s fault because we’ve been mean to them, therefore they have a right to do whatever they want — behead people on camera, all this terrible stuff. OK? That’s a far-left position.
I’ve seen the beheading videos. Multiple times.
I can’t imagine that any human being alive — Jew or gentile — would ever say that someone has the right to behead people on camera. I can’t imagine that any human being alive considers terrorists beheading innocent contractors and workers to be any less than a crime, any less than a horror — and certainly not a good thing.
Then again, I use the term “human being” liberally.
Plenty of liberal Jews think that Terrorists have rights. Chomsky, as a supreme example, feels that Hezbollah had an important reason for kidnapping those soldiers. He feels that Hezbollah, who are firing missiles at Israel to the tune of one per minute should be armed! No that is not beheading. But the guy who went out to bring his children some water the other day in northers Israel was extremely beheaded after his head took a direct hit from a katyusha.
What place is O’Reilly in to analyze the Jewish community? Has he studied it? Lived in it? He certainly hasn’t come off as particularly close to us in the past with his ranting about the “war on Christmas” and other nonsense.
O’Reilly’s seems to believe that he has the right and ability to define what others think. He even had the nerve to do it with the son of a 9-11 victim who opposed the war, kicking him off his show when he tried to explain his positions. Now he tells Jews what we think. It’s true that lots of Jews oppose the “war on terror” and the war in Iraq (and no Bill, they’re not the same). And Jewish opinion on what’s happening in Lebanon ranges from firmly backing it to firmly opposing it, with many somewhere in between, opposed both to Hezbollah’s deadly aggression and Israel’s response which has killed hundreds and destroyed lots of infrastructure
How about this, Bill–you want to hear about Jewish opinion, including from the left, you listen to some Jews? Maybe you even have them on your show–and you don’t interrupt? Not the kind of circus you usually have, where you shout people down and tell them to shut up. You actually let them express opinions.
But I doubt that you’re interested in that. It might not let you get the last word, and probably wouldn’t bring in the ratings the same way. Too bad.
And just to be clear, in my previous comment, I wasn’t even referring to the absurd pro-beheading part. That kind of anti-Semitic bullshit isn’t worthy of comment.
Too busy hating Bush to comment on Isreal?
Borus says:
“What place is O’Reilly in to analyze the Jewish community? Has he studied it? Lived in it?”
Dude is sharing his view of the situation. He has a right to his opinion. He doesn’t claim to be an anthropologist. If you dont like what he has to say ‘click’ him off.
Lou Dobbs has his opinions about Israel, rather twisted in my view – he is wrong, but he presents his view.
In short disagree all day but dont deny his view. All too often “open minded” left isn’t that open after all.
dont deny his right to have an opinion
What is with this bit of rhetoric that I’ve been hearing lately. I have heard several Jewish people begin (or, interrupt) a conversation with the question, “Well, do you think that Isreal has a right to exist?” and then it is followed by one of several “therefores.” Okay, I honestly don’t feel that Isreal has a right to exist. I usually counter, “No, I don’t feel that a culture made primarily of western Europeans have the right to forcibliy remove people from thier land in the Middle east.” Then thier response is usually something about Romans and some greivence that happened many centuries ago (see: the bible). Does anyone really feel, now I mean really feel, the effects of this horrible injustice? Maybe you do, who am I do judge. But I think most would say if you did, then a lot of time has gone by and get over it.. I don’t know of a single American Jew who would be willing to give up his or her American property to be claimed by a Native American Tribe — and that is an injustice that is still palpable. Now, look at the people who were displaced by the European Jews — how long ago was that? Who was this approved by? The Americans at a time when the Whites in that culture thought that the blacks were so worthless that couldn’t go to school with thier kids? We’re supposed to trust that kind of judgement.? Or Churchill, who said, “I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place” ( Churchill to the Palestine Royal Commission (1937). Personally, I could get behind a movement to restore Indians to the Americas more than one to restore the Jews to the Middle East. (Of course, if someone were able to convert to being an Indian, like one can convert to being a Jew, I would feel differently. )
Right now Isreal supports killing innocent children. Nice “response.”
dear brian, you have thrown-up, pardon, regurgitated exquisitely. those many pages swallowed would give anyone digestive discomfort; no doubt you feel better now that you’ve spit your fill.
unfortunately, you’ve stained our ancient carpet of complexities with a simplistic pattern remeniscent of a cheaper immitation.
your classic response you quote i shant repeat for the nauseau it might spread, but you know of what I speak when you provocate with analogies meant to shred.
your history is flawed, your depth shallow.
perhaps you should take some medication as you’re swollen with chomskyitis.
anybody have any good prescriptions? i might need some meself.
Oh my O’Reilly again!! Can we send him and Ann Coulter to the Middle East as human shields? or perhaps ask their Mothership to come collect them?
boruch david, btw – I agree with you!
Merliner, how do I in any way deny O’Reilly’s right to have an opinion? The man has one of the biggest platforms for his opinion in the country. I fail to see how calling him on his bullshit denies him anything.
Look, I could give you an opinion n particle physics. Or on contemporary challenges for the Ba’hai faith in the US. Or a number of other things about which I know next to nothing. And you would be in a very good position to ask what position I’m in to make those assertions. It wouldn’t impinge on my right to make them, but it would–rightfully–question their validity and basis.
Before you state whether or not a state has the right to exist, you should learn to spell it first. It may strengthen your point a bit.
“No, I don’t feel that a culture made primarily of western Europeans have the right to forcibliy remove people from thier land in the Middle east.â€
Brian, your ignorance is astounding. I expect this sort of thing from the activist leftists posting at Indymedia but not the folks at Jewschool. If you’re going to post here, please rise up to the standards of the site. Don’t debase it.
Israel’s population is not primarly Ashkenazi–that’s Jews from Europe for an ignoramus like yourself, it’s quite mixed. About half of Israel’s population is Mizrahim–that’s Jews from Asia and North Africa. And given the higher birth-rates among the Mizrahim, they may already be the majority.
“then thier response is usually something about Romans and some greivence that happened many centuries ago (see: the bible). Does anyone really feel, now I mean really feel, the effects of this horrible injustice?”
It is not only in the Bible, dude. It’s also in the historical and archaeological record. It’s recorded in the art and literature of the Roman empire and over centuries by the Jewish people. And people who spend a couple thousand years analyzing and agonizing over their experience in the Diasopra defintely “feel it”. If you find this so hard to understand I doubt you are cabable of feeling much of anything beyond pain, the most base of animal feelings.
“Personally, I could get behind a movement to restore Indians to the Americas more than one to restore the Jews to the Middle East.”
The Indians are here in America. They exist. They live on and off reservations. WTF are you doing to help them, Brian?
Ah yes…nothing!
how do you know brian isn’t some joker trying to spew blatant nonsense just to see what happens? They spew and spew and spew–and come out sounding a lot like ahmadinejad. sigh.
i know some deep Jewish lefties that give O’Reilly truth. Completely ignored Hezbullah. It’s all Israel’s fault. Pack up and go “home.”