
Saluting the Students Observing Mitzvot in Campus Encampments for Palestine: My Full Statement to the Chicago Tribune

Image by Terrence Antonio James, Chicago Tribune, May 5, 2024, “At U. of C. encampment, Jewish organizers explain significance of their anti-Zionist Shabbat service“ The Chicago

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The Desecration of a Gaza Memorial at Marquette University

On Sunday, April 7, the Marquette University chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) planted 41,000 flags on campus in recognition of the ongoing

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Culture, Religion

Hold On and Breathe: A POC (Playlist of Color) for Pesach 2017/5777

It just feels hard to breathe these days. So Pesach comes just in time. What can help most of all in the effort to catch your breath is the familiar — ritual, family/friends, and the chance to think about the pressure on your lungs in new ways. Many of us will add new Haggadot and new ideas to these elements of Pesach, but in the end, the festival will hopefully be a time to breathe. As we do so, we need music to help ensure we can continue to breathe throughout Pesach, and beyond. So for this playlist, we choose all artists of color – African-American, African, Arab, and Asian – whose music speaks of the difficulty of breathing in our society (in a couple of cases, literally focusing on the phrase “I Can’t Breathe”) and the relief that comes when you can.

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