Playing Bingo in LA will work against the Peace Process
An organization called the Coalition for Justice in Hawaiian Gardens and Jerusalem uncovers the mission of Hawaiian Gardens, CA, a tiny one mile by one mile town, the smallest in California. It is this town’s dingy run down bingo hall whose games’ profits go to building Israeli developments on Arab land that Israel occupied during the 1967 war and then incorporated within Jerusalem’s boundaries, as well as funneling the bulk of the money to extremist Israeli causes, such as the militant settler group Ateret Cohanim (this group is known to advocating exclusive Jewish control of Jerusalem, running a yeshiva in a Muslim neighborhood and secretly buying and occupying homes in traditionally Palestinian neighborhoods).
The bingo hall, as well as a small casino, are owned by a man by the name of Dr. Irving Moskowitz. Last November, the New York Times reported “He comes to a poor Hispanic town in California, wrings money from it and pours it into an impoverished community in east Jerusalem. Violence ensues, and he honors neither city by living there.” Further, the state of California has no record of the card club’s earnings.
You are ignorant. Judea and Sameria were never occupied, they are disputed. You would rather see Israel cut up into sections and handed away to the arabs than praise a fellow Jew in the fight against the murderous arabs. Shame on you, why don’t you use your website to support Israel and its citizens.
hate on hater
Not to hate, but why do you call Ateret Cohanim’s purchases “secret”?
ateret cohanim legaly purchases land from willing sellers. I am sorry but if “palestine” is ever to be truly free you need free markets. or is land ownership wrong as well?
It was first built in 1886 long before there was a glimmer of a so called palestinian people. Forced to flee in the wake of the 1936 Arab riots, the Rosh Yeshiva entrusted the building and its contents to the Arab watchman who faithfully preserved it until the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967. This Yeshiva was the only one out of about 80 synagogues and yeshivot, which wasn’t destroyed by the Jordanians.
talk about hating…
Everyone has a different take on the Palestinean situation. Some people believe that there is a solution in deportation. These people strongly believe in the Jewish/Israeli state and see it as being legitimate vis-a-vis organizations like the United Nations. Although the solution itself is far-fetched and virtually impossible, the idea has merit because the problem stems from terrorist activity – like many other places in the world. Unfortunately, deportation may only be one step of this formidable solution – equality amongst citizens of a democratic state and dealing with the poverty of all inhabitants of the land is another crucial step…
hey folks, if you didn’t it, the comment above is refferring to
On Jomamma’s comment: in case it wasn’t obvious, believing in a Jewish/Israeli state hardly requires advocating “deportation”. Nor does it mean forcluding equality amongst citizens of a democratic state. Here in Quebec, for example, we have to go to school in French. (Well, unless our parents went to school in English here. So, yes, we have “less” schooling rights than Arab citizens of Israel, if you want to see it that way.) Why? Cause it’s a French-heritage political community. Is that discriminatory? Um, no.