Should Nice Jewish Girls Listen to Hip Hop?
“[L]ike most nice Jewish girls, I used to look down my nose on hip hop music. For one thing, it wasn’t music to me. There was no rhythm, no melody; mostly, it seemed like a bunch of angry black people cursing and threatening to kill each other. From what I could see on MTV videos, women were “ho’s” and “bitches,” and basically existed only to please men. I was almost starting to agree with censor-lovin’ Tipper Gore in her crusade to stop such music from reaching the tender young ears of American children.
“Then, through an odd set of circumstances, I sort of fell into hip hop. […] Over time, I learned more and more about the music, the artists and the industry. This was a world I never expected to be drawn into; but once I was, however, I realized it wasn’t as bad as I thought.”
The pretentiousness of this article makes me want to puke.
she is probably a fan of the rather crap 50 Shekiel guy.