For those of you currently in Japan, you have one week left to see the current all-Japanese production of Fiddler On The Roof. For the rest of us, there’s this Windows Media file with sublime (and slightly surreal) footage of the production. All the gestures, the dances, the melodies – but in Japanese. I can’t stop watching it.
Earlier: A great poster.
Very cool. I guess Fiddler is irresistable. Even in the Far East!
Curious, anyone know if any of the cast are Jewish?
Dude, the cast in NEW YORK wasn’t Jewish, how Jewish can the cast in Japan be?! 😉 Though you can’t judge a book by it’s cover, and I never do. See http://www.nytimes.com/2005/02/15/theater/newsandfeatures/15fact.html?ex=1266210000&en=3ccb174e62f25531&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland
I can’t stop watching it, either. It may be the most inherently funny thing I’ve ever seen. It’s purely beautiful.
Just leave the “funny” part out, put “heart-felt” in, and leave “beautiful” right where it is.