…the Created Being is Only Like Diffusion of Light from the Sun
My new favorite Jewish musician who mostly plays secular music: Peter Himmelman. This Minnesota born, shomer shabbat, now LA based artist is both talented and NUTS. Known for wearing a plaid shirt with his tzit tzit hanging out from underneath over his worn down jeans, the welcome page of his website is split in two with news about his work & Himmelmator 3000 on one side, and a slide show flashing between trivia about himself and quotations from the Tanya, linking the user to the Meaningful Life Learning Center, a website based on the book of the same name which offers a practical distillation of the philosophy of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.
Peter also has just finished writing the music for the independent feature, Ash Tuesday(the title of the film refers to the debris covering downtown Manhattan on September 11). The film will premier at the Tribeca Film Festival in NYC.
You may be familiar with his work and music if you watch Judging Amy starring Amy Brenneman. Himelman also has a really fun kids records site.
Do you know who himmelman is married to? thats right, bob dillons daughter.. met them both on many occasions, truly a rightous rocker…
dylan foo
tru tru.. kant spellz wurth &*%^$