the final countdown…
… until the National Havurah Committee’s Summer Institute has begun. After a harrowing week with some great bright spots, Rooftopper Rav, BZ, Knucklehead and myself are up here at Franklin Pierce College from some pre-Institute shabbas. While we await the arrival of 300 of our close friends, we’re relaxing, going over details, napping, taking it all in.
I’ll be part of the crew of Jewschool live-bloggers, bringing details from many of the great events, as well as the two awesome classes I’m taking: Jewish Poetry Workshop with Phillip Terman, and Jewish Ethics in an Age of Global Commerce and Conflict with Brent Spodek. Also helping put together a coffee house, an open room poetry reading, and a klezmer jam.
Not only that, the NY Times covered VULGAR BULGARS are performing saturday night.
Have a change of heart? Want to be in the middle of nowhere with BZ, Rooftopper Rav, KungfuJew, Shamirpower, ChorusofApes, ZT and a whole slew of other great folks? You may still be able to register! Email [email protected] and check it out.
If you’re not going to make the institute, go to CT and help Ned Lamont instead. I’m just sayin.
I guess there is a time for frivolity – if you can have fun when Jewish civilians are being killed with ball bearing filled rockets specifically conceived to kill civilians, and we are despately trying to stop Hezbollah from continuing their reign of terror – then go ahead; but instead of suggesting as an alternative supporting the opponent of the Jewish senator from Conneticut, you might have had the good graces to suggest aiding Israel in her moment of need.
Hey, has anyone noticed – Israel is in a war – civilians are being targeted by the Iranian backed and supplied Hezbollah – Jewish civilians and her boy and girls in the IDF are dieing fighting for her – does anyone give a shit? does anyone who reads this site care? maybe the readers/posters here are a kind of pseudo jews – they like to pretend they’re jews, but not when it matters. I CAN’T STAND THIS.
goodbye dirrigible.
I think the point is that we need to continue to build community here as well as being mindful, educated, and involved as we can with what’s going on in Israel, Lebanon, and Palestine. I don’t think that to be Jewish means focusing solely on Israel 24/7; and I also think that just because a person is Jewish, that doesn’t mean that they immediately and irrevocably have my support without question (I’m referring to the Senator from Connecticut). Lieberman’s positions, particularly those shoulder to shoulder with the Bush administration, I find extremely problematic as a human being and a Jew.
dirrigible, are you going to Israel to enlist in the IDF? Are you personally doing anything to stop Hezbollah? Assuming the answer is no, and that we’re still in America, we have two options:
1) Stay home and write blog comments about how the sky is falling.
2) Go out and do productive things to make the Jewish people worth defending.
I think insisting on #1 is handing Hezbollah another victory.
lieberman’s neoconcervative hawkish foreign policy views are partly responsible for the polarization in the middle eastern countries that has resulted in an upswing in muslim extremism. ironically, lieberman is bad for israel.
amen BZ.