Voice Gives Nod To Israeli Hip Hop
The Village Voice reviews HaDag Nachash’s Chomer M’Komi, and throws shouts to Subliminal and Sagol 59.
The “Harvard senior writing his thesis on Israeli hip-hop” mentioned in the final paragraph, btw, was in my house for Shabbos a couple weeks back, and is studying at Pardes. Gevalt.
I must have missed this post. I’m good friends with the Harvard senior in question, and in fact walked with him and the writer of the Village Voice article to the Hadag Nahash show in Boston. Incidently, another friend of mine seems to know you as well. Ze olam katan maod.
Aaron Bernay’s “Ten Li HaTiKvah: The Emergance of Israeli Hip-Hop as a Vehicle for Political Protest”
Sorry above link won’t work. Google it, if you want to read. Its neat.
Actually, Aaron Bernay and the “Harvard senior in question” are two different people. Harvard is the center of the universe as far as the study of Israeli hip-hop is concerned.
anonymous, who are you?