Waiting for the other shoe to drop
Last month, we announced the first phase of a minyan exchange (or, as one blogger called it, a “chavurah slumber party”) between two of the most active independent minyanim founded in the last 4 years. A delegation from New York’s Kol Zimrah visited Tikkun Leil Shabbat in Washington DC for a Shabbat not to be forgotten.
After an interlude at the NHC Summer Institute, we’re entering the second phase of the exchange this Friday! We’re switching it around, and TLS folks (as well as people from neither NY nor DC who want to join the party) are invading New York. The fun begins on Friday at 6:45 pm in Riverside Park at 103rd St, New York NY. We’ll start with a musical kabbalat shabbat and maariv (led by the visitors from the last colony), followed by a potluck Shabbat dinner, and then singing as late as people can stay up.
See the Kol Zimrah website for more details, including the kashrut policy. Be there or be square! People who just moved to NYC (as people tend to do during the summer) are especially welcome, as is everyone else!
UPDATE: Due to a forecast of rain, we’ll be indoors at the Jewish Home and Hospital, 120 W 106th St, 2nd floor auditorium.
i think BZ just called me a neo-colonialist.
nope, that would be a neo-colonist