What kind of Israelis match your values?
This is one of the most important points I will consistently make until the day I die: you should not support “Israel” in any generic way for the principle of the matter, but instead Israelis and a vision of Israel that matches your values. The establishment isn’t peddling a Jewish state of any values — just a hook on which to hang their paranoia of extinction. Take a look at this video and post by Moriel Rothman, student president of J Street U, taking Peter Beinart’s advice in finding Israelis that match his values:
Israeli Activists- Reach Out, Take Part, Make Peace. from Moriel Rothman on Vimeo.
KFJ — How condescending, self-important, and American of you.
KFJ — Apologies for the comment above. It was harsh and thoughtless and not conducive to the discussion. Will think before I post and discuss the issues, instead of making personal attacks.
sometimes supporting “israel” in a generic way for the principle of the matter comes down to fighting people who deny that you even exist.
take the founder of this blog, Dan ‘Mobius’ Sieradski, in the comments of this post at mondoweiss: http://mondoweiss.net/2010/07/one-state-debate-explodes-myth-about-the-zionist-left.html